Chapter 6 - Court

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We walked in to the typical, wooden court room. People were coming in and taking seats everywhere. The judge, a bigger man, climbed his way into the tall seat at the front. He had black robes on and a gavel.

Ryan, the lawyer, and I took seats at the front of all the other people who had showed up. I glanced around the room and saw no one that I recognised. Someone waved at me and I looked at them. To my surprise, Kate and her family were sitting within all the others.

The judge began talking, stating the case and the reason we were all here. Soon, they began calling people up to talk about us, talk about parenting, and share their opinions. They called Ryan up and had our lawyer ask some questions, and then everyone began asking questions. Ryan sat back down with a sigh.

"Next to the chair, Nick CunningHam." Me? I looked at Ryan.

"Go up there." He told me.

"What, no, I can't..." The whole court room was staring at me now.

"Um," Ryan said out loud to waste some time. He took my wrist and dragged me up from the chair and over the the front of the room. "OK, sit here, and just answer the questions." He quickly got back to his seat when another lawyer person came up to me.

"I'm just going to ask you a few questions, please answer honestly." He flipped open a little notepad and read me off questions.

"How often is your brother at home with you?"

"Almost 24 hours, he has to be."

"Mm hm, and before the incident?"

"He was only home to sleep there. I sometimes accidentally tell people I'm an only child." I had stage fright, talking in front of so many people, and I rambled on without thinking how it might affect what the court decided.

"Has your brother ever hurt you, physically?"

I shook my head. "No, no way."

"Use five words to describe him please."

"Kind, smart, nonexistent, quiet, and..." I knew exactly what word I wanted to use next. "Ghostly."

The lawyer-type-man looked at me with a strange look. "Now would you please explain why you would use those words."

"Ryan's kind because even though he didn't think he would be able to gain custody and he said he would rather just get put into a foster home, he still tried so we wouldn't be split up." I began to speak more smoothly. The room, the lawyer, the people, Ryan, everything faded. I was speaking from my mind now. "He's smart because he finished High School and everything with nearly perfect grades. He's also nonexistent because he is always out with friends or his girlfriend or whatever."

I'd forgotten anyone was there, so I kept going. "He's quiet, very quiet since he doesn't seem to want to speak to me ever."

"And ghostly? What does that mean?"

"Because he's there, but it's like I can't talk to him and he can't hear me. He doesn't pay attention to me, like a ghost. Living in their own world."

I regained consciousness and glanced around the room. The look on Kate's face was surprise and I was to afraid to look at Ryan. I wasn't just afraid that he would be mad but I was more scared he wouldn't care. That he wouldn't have an emotion.

The judge stood. "Alright now, I want the court to make their vote." Some people sitting on the left side of the room from me began to whisper to make their choice. I was sitting on the chair still when suddenly Ryan had gotten hold of my wrist again and led me back to the chairs. I stared at the people and ignored him.

"Have you made your choice?" The judge asked when they went silent.

"Yes sir." A woman in the middle of the people spoke. "We believe he should get custody of the boy."

"Then the decision is made. You sound just like every other parent out there." The judge sounded unimpressed with Ryan but slammed the gavel down and the court room cheered a bit.

"Oh yay! I'm so happy for you!" Kate bounced around us.

Ryan laughed and smiled at her. "Well thank you."

"Come home with us, we'll celebrate!" Kate took Ryan's hand.

"OK, that sounds cool." The kissed and I felt like making a disgusted face just to be annoying, but then decided against it, I'd said enough. Along with all the other people in the courtroom, the 5 of us went into a long, fancy hallway and out the front door of the building.

Despite having two way tickets for the train, Kate insisted we come with her. She had a small car so I'd be smooshed into one of the sides most likely.

"Ya, of course we'll come with you." Ryan began to follow her.

"Ryan, I'm just going to take the train." I mumbled to him.

"Why? Oh, whatever go ahead." He closed the door and the car was quick to speed off. What a great parent already, I thought. I decided to walk slow and missed the 4 o'clock bus, so I had to sit and wait for the 5:30 one. I didn't mind though since I didn't want to really go home and see Ryan.

I didn't want him to get mad at me, but I also realised what I said was true. Once I finally made my way home from the station it had gotten dark and cloudy. "Hey, I'm home!" I yelled into the house. There was no response so I looked around. Ryan was still at Kate's place probably.

I was starving but I didn't feel like making anything so I pulled out a bag of Sunchips and sat on the couch. Instead of doing anything, I sat on the couch silently, contemplating what I should do. Before soon the clock flashed 8:00 at me. I assumed Ryan was coming home at some point.

Being alone in the dark freaked me out. My mind began making up crazy stories about robbers and murders and demons and each thought made me more and more afraid. I pulled the blanket off my bed and then  brought it down to the front door. I turned on a fake candle and huddled myself with it between the door and my blanket.

I woke up with a large smack to the head.

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