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"Cara wake up"

"Fuck off"

"Cara I'm scared"

Cara shifted and she slowly got up. Her eyes were still close and she groaned.

"What is it Madison?"
"It's just... I dreamt about your eyebrows again."

Cara sighed then in almost slow motion kicked me off the bed. I fall to the white carpet floor.

I guess you're probably wondering what's going on here.
It's actually quite simple.

Because Cara here
won't do me the simplest of favors and give me 300$ so I can buy myself food and eat till I pass out.

My life was pretty much in a bowl of boringness.
After breaking up with Chris (Collins: there will be so many vine and Instagram and YouTube stars in here)

Me and Chris were inseparable. Me and his lip piercing were particularly married. But after a while he started feeling guilty because he was older and after my countless attempts trying to get him to over look my age he'd say he was taking whatever innocence I had left, and then I'd feel guilty for making him feel guilty and then we both would just be so unhappy.

I missed him though, his soft kisses and he's hair-

"I heard a noise what's wrong?" Kendall was in the hallway with her pajamas and a random fork. Her eyes met mines, and her frightened face turned into a look of complete annoyance.

"Maddie I swear, what did I tell you about coming into Cara's room at night?"

"That I shouldn't do it unless she's hiding candy that I can share with you"

Kendall was pretty much a mother figure to me. Although she's very stern towards me most times she talked to me like a sister.

"I really need 300$"
"You have everything you need, what do you need 300$ for?"
"I'm going to eat myself to death"
"Bed. Now please."

I got up from the floor glaring at kendall.
I dragged myself back to my room.
I checked my snapchat, everyone seemed to be at vidcon.

I spent the rest of my time after that watching the hunger games.

"Wake up" Kendall's voice broke me from my faze.
"Me and Cara wanted to take you out to eat before going to our photoshoot."
"I'll be right there."

I washed up and picked out high waisted jean shorts and a plain white shirt.
I started on make up. Only concealer, eyeliner and lipstick because I'm too lazy for the full show.

"Oh and... Kylie's coming"

Me and Kylie aren't the best of friends in fact we aren't friends at all in fact we aren't even acquaintances really it's more like if I had a dollar and someone had a gun pointed to her head and only asked for a dollar as ransom I'd use that dollar to buy myself a pack of skittles.

"Be nice to her" Kendall said as I hooked up her necklace,
"Tyga cheated on her"
I tried my best not to groan.

" what's going on with you and Cara, did you tell her how you feel about her?"
"No. Keep your voice down"

Kendall and Cara have been having some problems. Cara has been seeing Harry styles irony of the situation is so did kendall but they talked about it and she said she didn't care for a while now and kendall having feelings for Cara just stopped talking to her for a while. And it's actually sad because Cara never noticed ugh I ship them so hard

"Cara are you ready?" Kendall said
Cara walked in and I could see the awe grow in Kendall's eyes even though all she was wearing was a plain white T-shirt and faded blue jeans.

"Kylie is on her way"
Kendall only nodded.
Cara how are you not seeing the misery in her eyes? how?

She just walked out the door and kendall let out a huge breath.

" stop, you're not in 5th grade anymore just tell her you like her"
"No, I could lose her as a friend and it's just too complicated"
"You are barely talking to her I don't think that's what being friends is all about"
"And yet she hasn't even noticed"

This hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew Kenny would be hurt but the way she said that was absolutely heart breaking.

"Can we just go?"
I nodded not wanting to hurt her more.
The ride to the restaurant was long and quiet making it uncomfortable.

Kendall tensed up almost immediately as I caught the driver's attention

"Let's say I was in love with my friend but I couldn't tell them because I don't think they roll the same boat to the same train station I'm rowing to"
"Are you coming out?!" Cara exclaimed
"What do you mean am I coming out?why are you expecting me to come out?!"
Now we were all just laughing.

"I'd tell them to grow some balls whether or not they like you back isn't what's that important, accepting yourself is the greatest accomplishment that's worth more than a 2 week relationship"
"Thanks but I didn't need all that oprah."

"Have I ever told you that I don't like you"
"Not today no."
"Well I really don't like you."

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