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11:03 am.
We arrived in California
Sammy and skate already booked a hotel room with their friends and I felt a little like I was intruding.

"If you don't feel comfortable with sharing a room with us and mike you can always stay with Teala and Mandy" sammy said shaking a now softly snoring skate.

We got out the uber.
There was a line of fans lining up the entrance of the hotel.

"What room is Teala in?" We
Were now in the boy's room.

let's just say 3 really hot guys and me just screamed 'insecurities'

" they are just down the hall. Straight down, Andrea and Jenn are just next door so you have many options." Sammy said pulling on a shirt.

"Or you could stay here," he touched my thigh and I hurried up the bed and out the door.

I walked down the long hall.
I was really really nervous to see my friends again. Especially Teala before I left we got in a big fight I don't really even remember what it was about I just know something almost caused me a sister.

I knocked on the door shyly.
"I-I'm sorry I called by mistake." Teala's voice rang through the door, she sounded like she'd been crying.

"T it's me, open the door"
The door almost immediately burst open and a pair of arms pulled me in a hug.

"Madison? What are you going here?"
"Why were you crying?" Her complexion was paler than it usually was, basically meaning something horrible happened.

"Come inside..."
I entered and she shut the door.
"Where's Mandy?"
"She went out with Aiden"

We sat on a beautiful gold couch that was placed right next to the bed facing a giant television that was playing Lana del Rey's young and beautiful.

"If your crying because of this song I get it, it gets to me too" I tried to make her laugh but her eyes were fixed on her phone.

"Andrea told me something."
"Which Andrea I know a ton" again trying to lighten the gloomy mood.
"She said she saw Noah kissing with someone" her voice choked and she looked down trying to save her makeup that was in a sudden attempt to run away from her.

Noah is Teala's boyfriend they've been dating for a while now and I honestly had no idea well until a month back when she told me

" where did she see them?"
"That's the thing she didn't, she said some fan direct messaged her it and asked her if she could post it on the internet because the fan thought it was her"
"Well I hate to ask but is it?"
"No Andrea wouldn't do that to me, plus why would she tell on herself"
"guilt maybe- that's not important, C'mere"

She snuggled into me and we just sat quietly for a minute.
"Have you talked to Noah?"
"No.. I want nothing to do with him, he has been calling me all morning and I just don't want to hear anything he has to say."

"Do you have the picture?"
She pulled her phone from the back pocket of her black skinnies unlocking it and gave it to me.
It was a picture of Noah with his arms around some girl in a parking lot. They seemed to be trading spit samples.

2:34 pm.
Teala fell asleep after particularly crying her eyes out, I remembered that my suitcase was still with sammy and skate. I slowly rolled off the bed and then fell, Got up and continued my way out the door.

The only real way I get out of bed.

I opened the door but a small figure rested against it.
"Meg?" (Megan deangelis)
She stood up, it looked like she'd been crying too.

"When did you get here?"
"A couple hours ago what's going on?"
"I just came to see if Teala was okay and I just couldn't go through with it."

(A/n: btw this is a fictional book it's made out of 1% fact and 99% fiction)

"What- I knew something about that girl was familiar, how could yo-" before I could finish my sentence meg put her hand on my mouth and I was just mumbling my disappointment.

"What happened was a huge mistake I wish I could take it back I can't I don't know what to do" she was crying now and released me from her hold.

"What exactly happened?"

"we were both in Germany and we were both at the same museum I didn't know they were dating I swear, we talked for a while then I had to go home but then I came back the next day hoping we'd meet again and we did and we just hit it off and he was walking me to my car and it happened. I promise it wouldn't have happened if I knew he was with someone please don't tell Teala it was me."

Teala was one of my best friends for sure but so was meg. I didn't know what exactly I was going to do but the decision I made at that exact moment I knew I'd regret it some day.


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