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"Cara I need your help"
"I'm on set what's going on, the director is about to whip me"

"This is more important than your million dollar movie, I got into a bit of trouble here. Remember Teala?"

"The one who's head is bigger than her body"
"Cara!" I whined annoyed she wasn't taking me seriously.
"Yes that's it baby say my name."
"Stop oh my god"
"What's wrong short stack"

I adjusted myself in the large bathtub
Here I was in a giant bathtub with all my clothes on ready to pull out my hair.

"Teala was dating Noah and Noah kissed someone else and it just happens that Meg is the girl, there's a picture of them kissing but it's nearly impossible to tell that it's meg."

"How could you tell?"

"She was laying against the door crying I'm sure guilt already chewed at her bones. She told me she had no idea they were dating and she also begged me not to tell anyone,"

"Stay out of it." Cara said
"You are rolling in quick sand just keep rolling so you don't get pulled in"
"what about Teala how can I keep
That from my friend"

"Pretend it didn't happen and if you get caught stick to your script"
"Cara I'm not sure that's a good idea... But I have no better one"

I hung up then turned a bit in the
bathtub the door jointed open and there stood Andrea in a towel.

"Madison?!" She squealed and held her towel tightly
"Oh hey"
"What are you doing in the bathtub"
"Thinking about my life"
"And you have to do that in the bathtub"
"Where else would I do it?"
"I don't know maybe any where else, how did you even get into our room?"
"Your door was open."
3:30 pm.

Everyone left they all had fans to meet and what not.
I ordered pizza and put on a movie. I was currently in Madison's room. And by Madison I mean Madison beer, my queen.
She was still in the bathroom fixing whatever she thought she needed to fix on her face.

"So what do you think about me and Jack?" She was in the process of putting on eye liner and I was shocked that she could talk, I had to get help before putting eyeliner on.

" yah slaying I just wish there was more PDA"
"Shut up you're so dumb" we both laughed
"Oh by the way.. Chris is here and by here I mean in Andrea's room and by Andrea's room I mean IN Andrea's room"
My heart shattered in the tiniest pieces.
"Hey, how are you still not over him."
"We had something really special and I don't ever want to lose it"

Maddie came out and gave me a hug.
"it'll be okay, I'm sure you'll meet someone"
"How's Maggie?"

The room was silent.

"Carter's fans are sending her a ton of hate but she's surviving that's all that counts plus she's happy too."

I nodded.

"I may have forgotten to tell you this but Christian is here"
"Who else."

If you didn't know Christian is the funniest viner and the best person to hang out with and forget all your sadness and just chill.

" dude I want to so badly it's just like I'm too lazy to get off this couch, wait is Shane here?"
"Probably why."
"Cause he's daddy af"
"Yesterday you said sammy was daddy af"
"That's the cycle of life" I sang rhetorically.

Madison left two hours ago. It was just me now.
"Open the door bish"
And then there's twaimz.
I opened the door.

And there Issa was in a blonde ramen noodle looking wig. He's makeup looked like he fell in a pile of colorful mudd.
"What's wrong with your face"
"Same thing that's wrong with your attitude, I'm ashamed to call you a part of bad bish-"
"Save the speech sammy already gave it"
" I don't know it's not just Chris, my dream was just shut down so quickly and I don't know it bites you in the arse hard when you can't achieve your dreams"
"Why are you giving up on your dreams this easily you are so much stronger than this, here I know what to do" he grabbed my phone.

"What are you doing?"
"Making you an Instagram and a twitter"
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"You just need to get out there, make a name for yourself. Why would you want to work at a social company when you aren't even social"
"I never thought of that... If I can prove to them that I have a general hold over social activities then I'll be able to at least get an interview."

We made every account possible and twaimz shouted me out and then Andrea and Meg then Teala before I knew it my phone was spazzing.

"Thank you so much. Ms potato head"
I hugged him so tight.
"Okay you are getting really gross now, off you go now pleasant... No seriously get off I have to get my clothes from Andrea's"
I got off and he straightened his shirt.
I grab the remote ready to continue watching netflix.

"Come with me,"
"Because I didn't spend hours fixing your shit up so I can carry my own bags."
"Why are we friends again?"
" because peasants need a bad bitch as their rulers c'mon now child"

I groaned. Andreas room was opposite to Madison so it was just across the hall.
I was about to knock but twaimz just opened the door. And there on the couch was Chris on top of andrea in the minute of a heated make out session.

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