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"Madison, I'm sending you the file right now hurry"
That was my assistant max. I've only been here for a month and I only have an assistant. I mean it does help that I get a raise every week. Apparently I'm more social than I thought I was. I was recently moved to the publicity department. I work for a ton of musicians, directors and writers trying to get their work out there.

Right now I was late.
Late for a council meeting with my actual actual boss.
There are five systems in this building.
There are the assistance which are the lowest
The advertiser, which are people who make things happen.
The reviewers they review everything that happens in the council
Then the managers... My snotty bosses and then the boss himself.

I was invited since I'm a reviewer it's strange. But this means I may get a chance to become more...or maybe the office just made a mistake.

I made my way to the lighted room.
"Late again I see" David this stuck up 50 year old man decided get up my ass everytime I breathe the wrong way.

I sat down next to him and his secretary placed a water in front of me.

The boss walked in. The boss aka Kennedy winter was a 40 something year old man who inherited this company after his great grandfather, who actually requested a skip in generations to keep the families secret.
He of course had lots of competition being 1/7 that is. He almost lost, he's father wanted the youngest Erwin to get the opportunity but he worked hard with the company and just like that he ended up buying the company.

"Morning everyone, excuse my timing"

And that my friends was my queue to sign out. I put my head down and decided to take a nap knowing after this meeting I'd a shit ton to do.

I felt a small tap on my shoulder kicking me out of my dream, 
"Sorry to interrupt your sleep ms Jenner but the meetings over and the boss requests your presence in his office"

I got off from the table and stretched a bit before walking to the elevator.
A huge ding interrupted my day dream and I groaned knowing this was probably going to be my second warning.

The double steel doors of the boss's room appeared and I told in a deep breath.
I pressed a button and a buzzer ran through.

"Come in"
I pushed the heavy door and there he was, Mr Kennedy Elliot knight.
He was looking at papers and clicking away on his computer.

"You have made exactly 1 billion dollars for this company since you started" he sounded disappointed. And that made me feel like a failure in a way.

"I'll start working harder sir I promise"
"Oh nonsense doll, no that has nothing to do as to why I called you here I was just letting you know in case you needed to one day, my wife and I want you to come have dinner with us"
"It would be a pleasure sir"

Mr Kennedy only really had a sweet spot for me because his wife thinks I'm adorable and his children adore me.

I didn't really go home anymore.
Most days I slept at the office and entered up showering in the locker room and changing my clothes and doing all my lady things there.

I love my job. I love everything till the weird smell in the printing room. The jerk offs that made jokes about my age and compatibilities.
And the fact that my bun was tight enough for my hair to just fall off.
But I was ruining out of clothes so I was going home now.

I opened the door kendall and Kylie were on the couch. Kylie comforting kendall and it looked as though kendall had been crying for a while.

"how dare you come back here after the stunt you pulled?" kylie yelled and it seemed as though it was directed towards me.


"don't play fucking innocent. And after all she did for you this is how you repay her"

"I legit have no idea what's going on here, kendall are you okay?"

"get out," the words ran through my ears and my heart clenched

"go leave my house"
"mom I'm sorry"
"get out I don't care where you go just go"

"no kylie, she has no home" kendall said quietly,
"after the things she  said I don't think she deserves one." her voice was cold adding salt to my already open wounds.

I picked up my car keys and turned around ready to leave
"you make me sick" these words came out of kendall's mouth.

"mom please open the door, it's so cold"

The memory sent chills to my spine.
I opened my car.
The moment I closed the door tears flooded my cheek.

I had nowhere to go again.
I picked up my phone hoping there was some clarity to the situation.

I had millions of messages and notification and they weren't the nicest

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