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-what kind of sane person posts shit like this, please kindly exit this world.

-@kendalljenner bet you wish you would've left her at the orphanage #laughingsohard.

-what you pulled was so immature and absolutely degrading I hope you fall down a well.

There were many more but I could no longer take it.
Instagram had blocked my account and I knew it was on the verge of being deleted.
These were all from twitter.

When I opened twitter I noticed that #deathtomadison was trending.
What could I have done that was so bad.

I went to my account and saw a shit ton of tweets I never sent, I had more than 12k tweets when I only had 130 last week and I don't remember tweeting anything lately.

The tweets were revolting.
Post about supporting animal cruelty
To supporting rape and degrading woman.

Reading these made my heart clench and made me develop a small hatred for myself also.
There was no way I wrote these things I would never say half of these things.
I've been hacked.

One tweet caught my eye.
It was directed to Meg.

-you are such a whore kissing your friends boyfriend, and here we all thought you were a little sweetheart.

This makes no sense.
How would the hacker have known about Meg? how is this possible?.

Then all hell broke loose.

-Kendall Jenner is a totally lezbo, I've seen her staring down cara's shirt multiple times but that's none of my bussiness.

-guys kendall is totally stalking Cara. Like fuck off she doesn't want your crusty cunt.

There were atleast 50 more, more descriptive than the other. No wonder kendall hated me, I'd also hate me.

I drove in the now pouring rain it was almost 12 A.M if I was on the road for much longer my license would be taken away on the count of being underage.

Mrs knight was the only other person I knew that cared. I parked down the road and climbed the massive hill to their huge gate.

Tears fell down my face and I was freezing.

I reached the gate.
"Mr. Knight"
I found myself screaming I left my phone in the car Founding even less of a use for it than before.

I sat down against the gate and brought my knees to my chest.
I waited for some time and after a while a car pulled up.
The car stopped and the gate automatically opened.

" Madison? What the hell? What are you doing here? You're freezing come in."
Mrs knight got out of the passengers seat of the car and came up to me.

I sat down on their comfortable loafers. She had made me a hot cocoa after I almost blew the house down by sneezing.
"Oh honey what's wrong?"
"Someone hacked my networking accounts and said all these horrible things and now everyone hates me and kendall kicked me out and everything is so wrong" I ranted on.

Mr knight came down in nothing but pajamas bottoms.
"Madison? What are you doing here?"
"Carla please go lay down, your medication hasn't fully processed yet I'll take care of this."

Carla nodded before kissing my forehead.
"Goodnight babygirl."

My heart clenched. Kendall used to say the same thing before we cuddled to sleep.
"I never knew." Mr knight said
" never knew what?"
"You were an orphan. In order for you to work with us I have to know that I can trust you, tell me the truth what happened?"

If I can't be with kendall anymore what's the point of hiding my past.

"My parents died the day we returned from the hospital after I was born, my father owed drug money and the seller came to collect his debt and when my father said he didn't have the money he slaughtered both of them. I was asleep so I wasn't noticed."

My heart ached but I decided it was best to continue.

" because of my age I was adopted almost immediately. I now belonged to Stephanie miller the woman who couldn't bare children of her own.
I instantly loved her.
She was my mother, I didn't know there was anyone else,
Things began to change when she got pregnant when I was 4.

I became a chore for her, She stopped being interested in me and instead left me to her husband,
Finn miller
He groped me constantly and did things to me he told me was what every father did to their child and I was just happy that he liked me even through those painful moment, this continued till I was 8,

by then Stephanie had forgotten about my existence, she walked in on him stroking himself with me present,
she made no big deal about it but things changed when she saw the things he did to me.

She was embarrassed and disgusted but decided she loved her husband and asked me to leave. I struggled and fought I didn't know something went wrong I just wanted my family. I sat on the porch and waited for someone to let me in but no one ever did.
I was homeless for a while.

Till I was sent back to the orphanage and I met kendall."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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