Chapter 34 - Happy Helloween Dickheads

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"Happy Birthday!!" Linda squealed.

Saturday, the weekend. Halloween had come around quickly, quicker than Frank had expected. School was boring, as per usual, but he found it bearable because he had something to aim for, his fucking 17th birthday! - And sure, he was the oldest one in his school now, but the only 17 year old and prom was coming up soon! They had all finished exams, so really- they didn't need to attend school, but of course, it's compulsory... Everyone just stuck around for the prom. Frank felt like, somehow the new age gave him rights, some form of higher place. Despite all of the bullying from younger students, that Gerard had kindly (in favor of Frank) decided to forget about for his birthday, he suddenly felt more important; respected.

Gerard was unhappy that Frank got beaten up. It just sucked, so much! You'd think that people grow up, but they don't. However, as Frank asked, he dropped it. Frank was going to have an amazing day, and nothing could stop that.

"Come on downstairs! I've decorated the living room! - and you need to open your present!" Miss Iero leaped down their steep wooden stairs and step-turned into the small living room.

Linda had done up the place good! The fireplace had these freaking cool old fashioned pumpkins on - they had them every year - but, fuck you, they're awesome; reminded Frank of being a child on his birthday and running around with his gifts and plushy toy pumpkins... The lights and lampshades had strips of purple tinsel on them and little 'flying' bats that bounced on springs. Creepy plastic skeletons hung from the ceiling and they cackled every time you walked by! Frank was so excited!

"Wow mom! This is amazing! Best birthday ever!" Frank enthused, somewhat sarcastically, but really did appreciate it, so hugged his mom tightly.

"It's okay honey! Your dad should be here soon" She smiled. "I'm just prepping the dinner"

Frank watched as she waltzed away - and then he ran back to his room, in his old black pyjamas, to retrieve his phone. As he was hopping back to the lounge he checked his inbox.

He had 7 separate messages from Gerard:

'Happy Birthday Baby. See you later. Gxo'

'I'll pick you up at 7:30, I think I know where I'm going. Gxo'

'Mikey says Happy Birthday. So does Ray. Gxo'

'Make sure your mum doesn't see you getting into my car! XD Gxo'

'I hope you like your present. Gxo'

'It's not amazing... Gxo'

'But Happy Helloween Dickhead. Gxo'

Frank chuckled to himself and clutched his phone close to his chest. Where had Gerard been all his life!? - and he bought Frank a gift? He didn't need to do that! The pleasure of his company and dinner for god sake, was gift enough! This was like some fairy-tale! A beautiful fairy-tale that Frank never wanted to end... Did love at first sight really exist? Although, he would never actually say 'I love you' until he genuinely meant it - he was falling, and he was going to fall real hard, real soon, and fall flat on his face, like a fucking pancake...

With too much on his infant mind, Frank messaged a 'thankyou. Frnkxo' back and shoved the phone into his pj pocket.


Linda had been prepping the vegetables for lunch/dinner, while Frank sat in the lounge watching cartoons and texting Gerard useless shit that no one needs to know.

He asked if Gerard was dressing up to trick or treat. G said that he usually dressed up as a vampire and Mikey went as a slutty nurse, but this year he was taking Frank out instead. Frank felt rather privileged - and at the same time, bad. Halloween was the best time of the year and by far, the best holiday in history - ever! - and he didn't want to ruin that for Gerard and Mikey, no way!

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