Chapter Seven

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There was still the rest of the day ahead of us so we had plenty of time to search elsewhere. We'd only spent an hour at the warehouse.

When we arrive back at the platform, Obi Wan is there already. He, Rex and Cody, who seems to have just arrived, are already working on a new plan.

"What do you have so far? Still no signs?" Anikan inquires when we get to them.

"Nothing," answered Obi Wan, shaking his head, "I'm starting to wonder if they actually were seen there. There's no proof to suggest anything,"

"How do you know they actually exist? People who have lightsabers but aren't Jedi or Siths, aren't exactly common," I interrupt, interested.

"Well, that's an interesting question Ahsoka. There was recently a robbery and bombing at a nearby storage warehouse with fairly extreme security. A hologram was recorded with a glimpse of a figure in armour - but due to the thickness of the smoke, the figure can't be identified," Obi Wan tells me. I frown.

"Well if it was high security, the criminal will have known what they were doing," I say to no one in particular, "they must have been able to access information to the security, the map of the warehouse itself and have known what they were after and where to find it. Has anyone questioned the workers?" I finish, listing it off on my fingers.

"Well, they've been questioned, but a more thorough search would help. Someone inside the warehouse would have had to give information out to the criminal first, unless they were the criminal them self, but I don't think anyone war armour inside the warehouse," Anikan suggested thoughtfully.

"Was there anyone missing or I'll at the time?" I ask them.

"Not everyone was there. There were over 500 workers, thirteen of them were ill that day," Rex tells me without pausing.

"So...did anyone question them about what they were doing?" I ask. After a short silence, I speak again, "Well, wouldn't that be a good place to start?"

"It would be Snips. Me and Ahsoka will question them. The rest of you can research the warehouse. Agreed?"


"Let's get going," Anikan motions for me to follow him and we go back to our speeder.

"Um... Anikan, where exactly is the warehouse?" I ask him. He pauses, stops, turns around and looks at me.

"Obi Wan will send the coordinates to me," he answers finally.

"How do you know? You didn't ask him to," I frown at him, but now I'm smiling. When he doesn't answer I finally click and I laugh.

"You mean he knows you'd forget to ask!" I grin at him.

"No, no, no. He knows I expect him to do it," he denies.

"Yeah, after you've remembered you forgot them, and he realises you don't know where you're going," I smirk. He rolls his eyes and gets on the speeder.

"Whatever. Are you coming or not?"

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