Chapter Fithteen

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*Lux Bonteri's POV*

I was in Coruscant waiting for Senator Amidala. The rebels needed to help a nearby city, but they hadn't got enough equipment to do it. We needed weapons, food and transport. Senator Amidala had kindly agreed to help us with our case, but she needed one of us there with her so she had the details.

I had never been to Coruscant before, but it was far busier than I had imagened. I was stood waiting patiently on a platform where I had just been dropped off. I was to wait for Senator Amidala to arrive. I think she would like to speak to the chanceller about the issue.

I could see the Jedi Temple nearby, a huge building, just as big as Ahsoka had once described to me. I wondered where she was. It would have been nice to see her again.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by the arrival of Senator Amidala. I turned to greet her:

"Good morning Senator Amidala," I greeted her.

"Please, just call me Padme. It's nice to see you again, Lux," she smiles at me warmly, which is one of the many reasons why I trust her. "How are you all apart from the shortage? It must be hard work," Padme starts off the conversation, and I go along with it, knowing we'll get to the point later.

"We're fine thank you. It is hard work, but everyone is determined to do it, and that's what we came together to do in the first place. We've made huge progress recently,"

"That's certainly good to hear. So what are you working on at the moment?"

We'd had a very busy day. After discussing life in general, we'd gone into Senator Amidala's (I can't get used to calling her Padme.) personal apartment to discuss plans and dates. Shortly after we'd carried on discussing everything during lunch, where we worked out how much equipment the rebels would need. It had carried on like that in a similar style for the rest of the day, until at last Senator Amidala gave me a key to my own apartment for the next week.

The next day the senator broke some news to me. Apparently I had been recognised as one of the rebels. This was not good news. Senator Amidala said the republic could offer me protection until it was all over. If I refused, I risked being tracked down by bounty hunters. I gladly accepted.

I enquired as to who these people wanting me dead were, but Padme (I should really try to call her that) could only tell me it was the separatists. This wasn't really a surprise.

"So who and how will I be protected, where will I stay?" I was eager to know every detail so I could explain to my fellow rebels why I couldn't return to them for a while.

"The Jedi council have offered to lend you some Jedi bodyguards. It was very kind of them. They have decided to take you to a quiet enough city on Naboo. Violence is very rare there and the community is mostly friendly. One of my old friends owns many mansions, he has agreed to lend you one of his. He only lives in two of his," Padme explained to me.

"Thank you, I am extremely grateful for this, all of your help,"

"Don't worry, it's no problem Lux, I want to help as many people as possible," she looks me in the eye and I know she means it. She really is a very good person.

"You've helped many people and made many others more comfortable. You should be proud of yourself," I tell her, and I mean it.

"Thank you," she smiles,"We should go and meet your Jedi protecters so they can describe everything in much more detail,"

"Do you know who these Jedi are?" I ask her, wondering what they will be like.

"Yes, Anikan Skywalker, and his padawan, Ahsoka Tano, who of course, you already know,"

And on that "Bombshell" I would like to make an author's note. :-)

First of all, thank you all so much for all of the support - Every single vote, view and comment means so much to me, not to mention followers!

But that isn't what I wanted to talk about. I want to know what you think of this story, if you think you know what's going to happen later on, if you have any ideas, and what you think of my book. Feedback; basically. Please point out any mistakes, spelling, grammar, you name it, anything to make it better. I also like to know if anyone has any suggestions for improvements for my writing, if so, I would like to know.




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