Chapter 51

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"I still can't believe you've done all that for me." I said, shaking my head as Harry's arm came around my shoulders. I glanced up at him with a slight chuckle as he let out a small laugh of his own before settling down next to me. 

"Still? Babe, that was almost a month ago." Harry told me with a light tone, teasing me that I should forget about what he'd done for me at the banquet but i never would. 

I couldn't help it. Every time that I was in Harry's room now and saw his MVP plaque resting right by the photo of him and his mum, my mind instantly went back to one of the greatest nights in my life. He got up in front of the team and all of their families and told them to take a moment to actually appreciate me. I was nervous about talking but I had pride at the same time that they'd finally have to listen to me. 

He also called you babe in front of everyone. You can't forget that part. 

Nope. Never. 

Also beside the plaque were a few pictures added that he didn't bother to have framed yet from me.The first was thepicture my mum took of Harry and I on her phone the night of the banquet. Hewanted  a copy of that one for himself because it was our first real picturetogether. The second picture he had was justof Harry where he had fallen asleep on his couch after we tried to have amarathon of films. He didn't even make it through the first one. It was theperfect opportunity for me to snap a picture of him. Now, whenever he thought he was going to fall asleep he'd fight it so I didn't take anymore pictures of him. 

There was one last one that was actually from the banquet. The team lines up as they would for a team photo in their uniforms. This one was also different because Louis and Zayn weren't in it and I actually was. It was placed on a plaque with the team's name under it and the year. I had one too but I haven't found a place for it yet. 

I rolled out from under his arm before I decided to place one of my legs over his lap and face him, my hands giving his shoulders a light squeeze. "I can say it as many times as I want. I can also thank you in different ways too, you know." I grinned at him slyly, leaning my face closer to his, and waited for him to realise my point.

"Mm, babe," Harry breathed heavily against my lips with a smile just before his green eyes glanced up to my own blue ones. His hands went down my sides until they rested just at my hips, going around to my back where he laced his fingers together. "Have I failed to mention I love our privacy?"

I couldn't help but chuckle through my own heavy breaths, swallowing back before I nodded. "Yeah, I reckon you've mentioned it a few times. Now, like I always have to remind you, your dad should be coming home in 20 minutes so if you'd like to finish this without being interrupted," Instead of completing my sentence to Harry I leaned forward again and placed my lips to his, not waiting for him to come around and give in.

We have days like these sometimes, where we're supposed to be studying for our exams but we end up snogging because nobody was around to hear us to know any different. Harry's dad had gone out for a bit so that meant Harry would ring me up and tell me the estimated time we'd have until his dad's expected return. Harry usually didn't need to tell me that twice. I'd hang up, grab my books, and tell my mum I was going over to Harry's to study for a bit and he was picking me up.

Ah, the horny teenager phase.

It's not a phase.

Well, I don't want it to be one.

Anyway, now, I've got Harry sitting on his bed with his back resting against the wall for support. I just so happen to be straddled on his lap with one hand on his shoulder and the other on his cheek to keep myself steady as I moved my lips over his, sometimes feeling how sloppy and wet they've become from our heated contact. It also helped that Harry's hands went from running down my sides to now being wrapped around my waist to keep my body warmly pressed to his.

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