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I closed my eyes before I felt the light breeze of Harry's breath ghost over my face, causing a tickling feeling which made me scrunch up my nose.

Harry chuckled beside me before releasing another breath that made the tassel of my graduation cap graze along my cheek.

I blinked my eyes open and looked over to him, his smile amused as he reached over towards me to place a kiss on my cheek. His chuckle continued to taunt me just before he nuzzled his nose into my cheek.

"Perfect! Stay just like that!" My mum announced as she took another picture of us together. I knew she was excited about me finally graduating, and she was also emotional about the fact that her last baby has grown up. but she didn't need to snap pictures of us every single time we moved.

I let out a groan and placed my hand against Harry's chest to push him away. He was laughing at my annoyance the entire time.

"Come on, babe. Your mum is an excellent photographer and we're pretty great models." He told me with a grin as he removed his graduation cap from his head, running his fingers through his curly hair and then shaking them out until they fell back to their original place. Then he stood up from the chair he was sat in and walked over to my mum, draping his arm around her shoulders and looking at the many pictures she's already taken of us.

Every so often they would point at the screen on the camera and tell each other which pictures they really liked. My mum promised to make copies for Harry to keep.

"How about we head to the back and I can take some of the two of you together?" Harry offered.

"Thank you, Harry." My mum said to him before bringing her gaze to me from behind the camera. "Can you spare anymore of your time to take some pictures with your dear and proud mum?"

She's trying to guilt you.

"Yeah, I guess so." I smiled at her before standing up.

You're too easy.

"Harry, grab your cap I want some of the two of you in the garden afterwards." She instructed Harry and passed him the camera as I walked past her to start heading outside.

From the time I woke up today, the morning has been nothing but preparations for the upcoming ceremony. It started with my mum making me a massive breakfast. As much as I was excited to this moment of ending this extremely long and eventful chapter of my life to start another one, my mum had more trouble containing her mix of excitement and small outbursts of tears. Once we finished our breakfast she wanted me to bring my dress shirt and pants down so she could iron them for me. When she was done she asked me to immediately change into them, and to wash my hair because she thought it looked like a mess.

By the time my mum made sure that I looked my very best, to her standards and not my own, Harry arrived at mine for the pictures. He was dressed in a similar outfit, his graduation cap tucked up underneath his arm and his gown thrown over one shoulder. My mum offered to remove any wrinkles from it for him but Harry let her know there wasn't any imperfections, adding that his dad was waiting for his sister to come in and they'd both meet her at the school so they could all sit together.

I couldn't wait to meet Gemma and, apparently, she really couldn't wait to finally meet me either. I was a bit nervous because she was protective of her younger brother and I was the first boyfriend he ever had to introduce to his family, Harry the same for me. I hoped I could make the best impression on her.

By the time Harry and my mum caught up with me they were still chatting together about something. I took in a deep breath and waited until my mum joined me at my side. I actually liked that I was taller than her now. My mum walked over to me and Harry stepped back, looking into the camera to try and figure out what would look best.

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