Chapter 43

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I didn't quite know if he could see that my breathing had picked up increasingly since he had spotted me out. I didn't even let myself glance down to see if my chest was rising and falling so visibly. My eyes looked straight on to his own pair of eyes, the ones that were once so full of glee because he was able to get satisfaction over what he had done to me. 

"Funny, because the last name written across your back tells me otherwise. It's telling me that you're one of my former teammates. I see that Styles isn't with you right now." He said, using his foot to kick himself off of resting at the side of the bleachers.

When he took the steps closer to me I couldn't help but take one back, causing him to chuckle and shake his head at me. "I'm not here to beat on you. Do you think I'm that foolish to do that with all these witnesses around?" He extended both of his arms and twisted himself by his torso as he motioned around him. "Do you think with Coach and the others around that I'd want to get into more trouble than I've already gotten in?"

I swallowed, my eyes being sure to focus their attention on his every move. I wasn't really in the mood for any surprises. My palms were sweating from my sides. I haven't been so nervous to see Zayn Malik standing in front of me in a long time. There were even days at school, after Harry had punched him that I didn't feel myself fearing him. i guess because I was never expecting to see him that I was in more of a shock.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked him, heavy breaths leaving my slightly parted lips as I waited for him to answer. I didn't really want to talk to Zayn right now, not that I'd ever be in the position to talk to him again. 

Zayn let out a sigh. "Like I said, it really has nothing to do with you. Just because I'm not on the team anyone doesn't mean that I'm not allowed to support them." He glanced over to the field with a scoff. "Well, as long as the school doesn't find out that I was here." He then looked back over to me. "Unless you plan on telling someone."

I slowly shook my head. For as much as I let myself believe, this was behind me now. I wasn't going to get him into anymore trouble but if I really wanted to put Zayn Malik in my past, then I just wanted to know why he ever bullied me in the first place. I think I deserved to know and this might just be my only chance to find out. Maybe Zayn being here was actually a good thing. 

"I won't be a snitch." I told him, unsure if he believed me. I had to put ny feelings of being threatened behind me and just be there to hear Zayn out. There was a chance that he could actually want to speak but he's never had anyone care to hear him out. 

"It was just a one time thing then?" He quipped at me with a sarcastic laugh. He paused, waiting for a few strangers to walk in between us to get somewhere. I was still glad that the two of us were completely alone. Then he took another step towards me. "I didn't think you had it in you to speak up."

Well, surprise to you then.

"It took a while but I couldn't let you and Louis beat on me forever. Was that the plan?" If it was, then I was glad I was able to get myself out of it. Well, thanks to my friends.  

Zayn shook his head. "I don't think there ever really was a plan. What? Do you think Lou and I sat around and discussed what torture we were going to put you through?"

I nodded my head again. "Otherwise you're pretty crafty to think to come up with pouring your piss on me." My words came out harsher than I was expecting but I think Zayn needed to hear them in that way. 

It seemed to amuse Zayn, his brow raising and half his mouth graced his face with smirk. "I gotta say you're not that same little weasel I used to push around, well, more than push around." He paused. "And you're right, I didn't come up with that on my own. Louis' quite the mastermind when he really wants to be." 

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