Chapter 23

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When my mum finally returned to the kitchen, without her tea because I think that she just needed an excuse not to breakdown in front of her own child, she sent me a soft smile. Even with the distant between us I could see the whiteness of her eyes had been completely take over by this scarlet red hue. She didn't look human even though the new appearance was because of a very strong human emotion.  I never enjoyed seeing when she was sad about anything. I never knew how to comfort her since she was the one always comforting me. I thought I could learn from her compassion but it must have skipped me in the generation.  

She sat down next to me and she talked me to carefully because she didn't really know how to talk to me anymore. Whenever she did try to speak I quickly caught on the she didn't want to start crying again but there was now so much heaviness in her heart and terrible images in her mind that it was hard for her not to. I bet I was making it obvious to her that I was trying not to look at her so she couldn't feel that way anymore. This was something that kept me from telling her in the first place. I didn't want her to see me differently. I wanted our relationship to continue on as normal. I would say anything to get that back because it shouldn't be awkward between us. 

We talked about how long it had been going on and the extent of what's been going on. She wanted to know how many people were involved and who they were. I could only tell her that it was people from the team because I just couldn't let their names tarnish my mother in the way they have tarnished me. Then she wanted to know about the day in the car park so I told her, even including the part about my new friends, Liam and Harry, coming to my rescue. I hope that part at least gave her some of her happiness back. She listened, even though I probably saying too much for her to comprehend. Every so often I would just start crying again because I was finally letting it all free. 

Not once did she ever demand that we go to straight to the school to tell academic authorities about what was going on. She did ask me whether or not the bullying affected how I saw myself; whether it be mentally or physically. I shook my head, which earned a huge sigh of relief from my mum. It was one less thing that she would have to stress over. 

We stayed up late through the night, not really eating supper because neither of us felt like eating. Awkward silences and attempts for me to strike up a conversation on a different subject matter was a needy occurrence that didn't last long. My mum would make little comments here and there, sadness still locked into her voice. 

It was now the next morning, Friday, I didn't go to school and my mum took the day of of work. She told me that she wouldn't be able to focus at all knowing that she was sending me off to a place where her 'Sweet Boy' was treated like he was nothing. I wasn't nothing, not when I was Harry or Liam. I had used that as a way to convince her to let me go. She didn't take it and wanted to use the day to talk some more and figure out what we were supposed to do next. 

I actually went to sleep rather quickly. I wasn't up tossing from side to side and letting my thoughts go all over the place. I actually felt content. Due to staying up so late, I slept until the afternoon. I remained in my room because I wasn't ready to see my mum distraught. 

I wanted someone to be proud of me for what I had done and knew just how it felt to be me. 

Reaching my hand out, I felt around on the end table behind my head to blindly feel around for my phone, my fingers bumping into a random fork that was they, causing me to pull away for a moment. Once I found what I was searching for I brought it forward. Before turning the screen on, I started to wonder if Harry had called me or anything. I had sent him a message to let him know not to pick me up this morning. When I turned the screen on I was disappointed to see that there was nothing from anybody, per usual. I shook away the feeling, knowing from yesterday that Harry also had a long day. 

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