2013-2014 End Note/Sequel?

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  • Dedicated to To each and every one of you who gave this a chance

FINAL END NOTE: I apologise in advance if this gets too sappy and turns into some big ramble. I have a lot to say, and will probably forget half of it, but as long as I'm able to remember to thank you guys and say that 'I love you', I think I'll manage to be somewhat okay with this note.

I'm currently buzzing right now since I just posted the epilogue. I really never thought I'd finish this story in less than a year. Actually, I never thought I was ever going to post this story. It all started out as me just messing around with pictures and making covers. Then I started thinking about Niall being some water boy that was in love with Harry, a football star that Niall thinks doesn't notice him. I asked my friend if I should write a story of it and she thought it sounded like a great idea. (We can all thank harry_stylcs for this or The Water Boy wouldn't exist).

The only reason this story is "popular" is because of all of you guys. (I don't even like that word.) I'm thankful for each and every one of you who has given this story a chance, shared it because you thought it was worth sharing, and falling in love with the story and characters. Your support is just overly fantastic and I still never know how it came about or what to say about it. I always have a massive smile on my face when I read your messages telling me how you can connect with them or tell me that it has given you courage. I never thought that would ever happen for our silly little fan fiction.

I also never thought I'd be an inspiration to people to write. I still remember all the great writers I found on this sight that made me feel the same way. I never imagined I could be one of those people. I think of myself as rather plain.

I'm not going to talk much about numbers because that's not what any of this is about. Plus, I think I've announced something about numbers every time I've reached a new standing. I will only say that I'm proud that more boyxboy stories are getting up in the "rankings" and that any expectations for this story couldn't even be close to all that has happened. I may be cheesy and say this is more of your story than it is mine.

I know how it feels to have a story/fan fiction grab my attention so much that I just can't stop reading it and, when they aren't complete, you're just waiting and waiting until a new chapter comes along! When I first came on Wattpad I fell in love with so many amazing Narry stories, some even gave me inspiration but I never was actually going to post something here.

My mind isn't thinking clearly about everything I wish to say to you all. You've heard 'thank you so much' so many times for me that I feel it has lost all meaning. You've all made me excited to write stories and actually share them off my computer. You've given me confidence in my writing as well. I just hope you all know that I love you guys for everything!!

I feel like I'm missing loads more.


(Also, I really wanted to add Niall's thoughts in this but this is my note!)

SPIN-OFF: So, if you made it through my End Note, (congrats if you did!) then I know what many of you are wondering and hoping for so I'll stop blabbing and get right to it!!

To answer the question, 'is there going to be a sequel?!' The answer is yes!! But it's sort of in the version of a spin-off!

The focus is not even on Narry but they will still be in it because they're still important to the next work. I couldn't really think of what I could do with Narry anymore since the Niall from the start is no longer that boy or felt that a sequel was appropriate. And after telling my idea to a select of helpful people on here, they were able to give me feedback that it might not be my best option to a sequel and I completely agree.

Remember when Zayn told Niall, "It's not my story to tell,"? (And where I left out so many things you wanted answers about?) Well, that's because it's Louis' story and you'll be getting his full story, in his point of view! I'm really excited to get write for that. I've pretty much been writing bits of it since last November!

The spin-offl, So Wrong, It's Right, have been started!! (the cover/title picture is shown on the side)

So, I hope that you're excited for the next journey with a new main character and aren't too upset it isn't a Narry centric. I think Louis' story will be quite the thrill!

Again, thank you to every single one of you who has given "The Water Boy' a chance. I still can't believe all that has happened with the story and that so many people seemed to have loved the story! Writing it, hell finishing it, feels like a huge accomplishment! Thank you for allowing the words I typed up weasel their way into your hearts.

(24/7/15 Note: Once the spinoff is complete I will be coming back to fill in some of the plot holes from that story so everything is complete for those who are not interested in the spinoff)

Until next time!!


Really, that's the salutations you're giving them?

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