Chapter 36

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I've lost count on exactly how many times Harry and I have done this walk to the office. Oddly enough, and probably more on the cheesier side, this simple path was actually a huge part of how we began talking to each other more and more. When we got into a bit of trouble together, we walked to the office side by side without doing much but sighing and glancing at one another. Now, we can take this walk together without the frustrated sighs and stolen glances, mainly from yours truly. If we were 'out', then we would probably be doing this hand-in-hand. One day we will.

It's just before Harry's sit-in practice that he's decided to ask the coach if I could come along this weekend. I don't understand as to why he's so set on this. He's always been this way whenever he gets an idea in his brain about me and some silver-lining. All I could really do is get dragged along with him when he gets like this. I offered to just wait around outside the office for him but he thinks he can get an adult to cave in to his demands if I'm present. 

He can be so childish.

Harry mentioned it to me this morning after we met up with Liam this morning. The two boys in my life seemed to have reconciled since the other day, which I'm thankful that it didn't drag out until they decided to just avoid each other and putting me in a situation I just didn't need to be apart of. They handled it and now they can move past it. Of course, they talked about how they're excited about being able to play again and get to go stay at a hotel for an entire weekend. I couldn't wait to see them play and that should have been why I wanted to go. 

Overall there was a change in Harry now that Liam knew that we were together. Well, there was a change in myself as well but I didn't feel the need to show it as much as Harry. Harry didn't second guess himself when it came to 'accidental' signs of affections being performed around Liam. He didn't seem to mind squeezing my hand or resting his hand too low on my back during a conversation we would all share together.

Even when Harry left Liam and I by ourselves I knew that his little twinge of jealousy was gone. Yes, I'll admit that I watched and waited on him just to see what he would do. 

We had to give our presentations this morning and we happened to be the last group which was probably the best because everyone has the same lesson so by the time it came to us nobody gave a care to pay attention, except for Liam because he was going to be writing an essay on the information. Jack did most of the talking, which I didn't mind because I hated public speaking; not that I did that much. 

But I like to believe that I've gotten better at it through what's gone on with me. I mean, it wasn't just a confidence to speak. It was the actual speaking up part, too. I couldn't be afraid of the words, even though I was and I did sometimes stutter. Again, it all seemed to start with the team. I was that nervous boy around Harry and along the way he became my boyfriend. I used to be nervous to talk to the coach as well, but now it became almost a regular thing. 

Speaking of, it leads us to where we've ended up: the closed door of the coach's office. We were able to walk right past the mixed chatter of the boys changing into their uniforms. Harry should be doing the exact same thing and letting me handle this because if I was the one who wanted to go then I should be the one asking. I shouldn't have the captain of the team doing this for me but I already knew he wasn't going to let up. 

Harry knocked on the coach's door and we both waited to hear him call out, "'come in'" to the both of us. After he had done so, Harry opened the door, holding it open for me as I went in behind him. 

I hadn't been in here much since I had told the coach about the bullying situation and I was glad that I didn't have any heaviness push down on me when I was in the office this time. 

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