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Click, click, click.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?"

Click, click, click.

"Answer me!"

The clicking of her heels stopped. Slowly, she turned around, facing a familiar head of almost white hair. The boy was one she hadn't seen in years. Nor had she any desire to see him now, of all times.

"Hello? Are you deaf all of the sudden?!" His voice raised.

"Oh, Draco, will you ever learn to shove off? Mind your own business for a pleasant change."

He scoffed. "This is my business, idiot, you're walking my road like it's a casual thing you do in your free time." A wicked smile reached his face. "Is it something you do in your free time? Hoping for a glimpse of Mummy and Daddy?"

"They fucking wish." Her voice was cold - icy, almost. "I still think they're worthy of being spit on." She said, matter of factly.

"Ha ha." He said, bored tone to his voice.

"Can I return to my business now? Away from you?"

"Once you answer my question, you can."

Click, click, click.

Before she could get further down the wooded road, his wand was at her throat. He repeated what he said seconds before, a familiar gleam in his grey eyes. His voice was softer the second time, careful and concerned. She felt her guard fall slightly.

"Look, Draco, I can't trust you right now, I can't trust anyone right now. Both sides think I'm spies for the other... It's this bloody mark... I'm trying to get away, far away, and I happened to be passing. Trust me, I want to tell you everything... But I can't. I just need to go, okay?"

He sighed, not sure if he should believe her. The look on her face said it all, though; she was truthful.

"Well, get out of here, then. The last thing you need is them seeing you."

Click, click.

"Goodbye, Draco."

"And to you, Pyx."

short unclear prologue, whatcha think?
im so excited for this story : )))) leave a vote please, it'd mean the world!! (working on two stories now, whoops)

xx, nox.

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