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She woke up with blonde hair once more and her stony grey eyes - the spells had worn off.

Pyxis looked in the mirror at herself. She didn't think of herself as outstandingly gorgeous, but she didn't despise her appearance. She looked exactly like her brother - cold expression, low set eyebrows, a small, sculptured nose, and defined cheekbones. Her nearly white hair was wavy, falling down to the bottom of her shoulder blades.

She sighed, taking in her appearance, because from now on, she wouldn't be looking at it.

With the wand pointed at her eyes, she watched her eyelashes darken, her eyes turn deep coffee brown, and her eyebrows morph into thicker, light red ones instead. She moved the wand towards her lips and with the help of reducio, they went from the normally plump ones to mildly smaller, redder lips. She added freckles and gave her hair rust red waves. She was completely and entirely different, unrecognizable. It was sad, in a way, that she had to be so different to survive. But with the circumstances, she understood.

She didn't dare forget the most important thing, some muggle tattoo concealer she picked up at a makeup store, applying it heavily to her forearm, watching the black snake and skull disappear under the paint. It was weird, to see it gone, but none-the-less a great relief.

She decided to go without the fake glasses and disappeared with her fingers lacing Greengrass's wand.

Again she was in Diagon Alley, outside of Fred and George's joke shop. Peering inside, she saw very few people compared to yesterday's crowd. She realized she could have just asked George to the back today when there were less people, and mentally slapped herself, but went inside forgetting her ditziness.

"Mornin'" George smiled weakly.

"Wotcha, George. Am I here on time?" Felicity yawned.

"You should be good, yes." He lowered his voice, looking at a young boy and his mother argue over Skiving Snackboxes. He absolutely could not have them, she said firmly, and he pouted. "Harry's upstairs in the backroom, if you wanna talk to him."

"Will do. See ya 'round."


She walked up the swirled stairs and to the backroom, bumping straight into the exact person she was looking for - Harry Potter.

"Oh, sorry!" She said, stepping back from him. "I'm a klutz in the morning..."

He gave a small attempt at a smile. "Quite all right. Er- should we talk in the back?"

"I suppose so,"

He turned around, re-opening the door he exited moments ago and holding it open for her. Once it was shut, he spoke.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but you get we can't all trust you, right?" He looked directly at her.

"Yeah, of course." She replied. "I wouldn't expect anyone to trust me fully for some time."

"Good. I'm assuming you'll be sticking with me for your first few assignments, to see how you do and see that you're not, well, a spy, so put it." He sighed. "Hear of Kingsley Shacklebolt?"

"Yeah.... Why?"

"'Cause you're about to meet him."

Before she could reply, he grabbed her hand and they appearated to a place she'd never been to before. She crouched over and held her stomach, the sinking feeling in her naval from the shock of apperating making her stomach uneasy.

When she recovered, she looked up to find herself in a dark alley way, surrounded by trashcans and puddles.

"Er... The Order doesn't meet here, do they...?"

He laughed. "'Course not. Come on, now, follow me."

He exited the alleyway, entering a misty neighborhood in London. The clouds hung low and there was a certain eerie feeling they gave off. Almost like a storm was about to come.

The weather always seemed to feel like this - she noted, while following Harry down the sidewalk half a pace behind him. Dark and looming clouds, a cold mist in the air, and often light rain. But never the actual anticipated storm: the clouds were waiting.

She snapped out of her dreary thoughts when he stopped in front of a set of eleven or so muggle townhouses, all right next to one another.

He pulled out a slip of paper, read it, and then said it out loud, causing the buildings to shift much to her surprise. No one seemed to notice the building moving, let alone the twelfth building taking it's place between 11 and 13. She was awestruck, to say the least.

"Welcome to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix." He said, walking ahead into the door that had appeared only moments ago. She had seen her fair share of crazy magic, but that was something else.

She followed, into the door to the dark hallway of the headquarters. The walls were a deep blue with darker, intricate wallpaper designs. The long hallway was filled with portraits, the one at the end covered in a eaten-away curtain.

"It's dark here, I know. But it serves it's purpose." He walked her through the hall and down a staircase into the basement, where the kitchen and dining area were located. Two heads were huddled together at the dining room table, talking in hushed voices. She recognized them as Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, who were a year above her at Hogwarts and best friends with Harry. She had never spoken to them, but from what her brother said, they were horrible. However, he said everyone besides his Slytherin gang were horrible, so Pyxis didn't typically listen.

"I'm back," Harry said, causing both of their heard to snap up.

"Oh, Hi, Harry. Who's this?" Asked Hermione, looking perplexed.

Felicity smiled. "Felicity Acker, and you are?"

"Hermione Granger, pleasure." She reached her hand out to shake Felicity's, and Ron spoke.

"I'm Ron," he said, smiling slightly and shaking her hand as well.

"Nice to meet you." She smiled at them, and they returned it, but no one had anything else to say.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Harry lead her along into the kitchen, were she recognized Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, and Kingsley Shacklebolt, who was leaning against the counter with a cup of coffee watching Molly and Arthur talk to one another with much animation.

"Sorry to intrude," Harry said, causing all eyes to fall to him and then her. "Er- Kingsley, can you come here a second? In the hallway?"

She didn't know half of what they were saying was, it was like they were speaking in code, but they went back and forth in a serious discussion. Her eyes followed them like an eager dog to a tennis ball, and even with such intensive attention focused on them, nothing made sense.

Harry smiled at Felicity after a few minutes of conversation and left the room, leaving her alone with a man she had not yet spoken a word to. He questioned her the same way the twins and Harry had, and she made sure to answer them exactly the same. She was absolutely and utterly terrified of being found out to be a Malfoy, a name that cursed her; she knew there would be no hope if she was found out, she might be struck dead or assumed a spy. Even worse, she was petrified of the tattoo concealer rubbing off on the wrong thing, coming off just the slightest bit, revealing the brand of who she had been forced to be...

"You'll be working on projects with Harry for now, but you're not being recruited just yet. You'll have to earn that." Shacklebolt said firmly, shaking her from her thoughts.

"Oh, yes, completely understand. Thank you."

He eyed her in a way that made her want to sink into the floor. The wrong stutter at the wrong time was deadly.

"Sure." He said, walking off, and she let the air she had been holding in escape.

She had made it in.


How's this chapter? Let me know!! All votes/comments/reads/constructive criticism is appreciated ;)

Thank you for reading!!

xx, nox.

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