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Her eyes opened up to see Harry's, piercing into her. Her breathing was hitched, she was sweating, and her throat ran dry - bad dream.

"You alright?"

"I-I think so." She'd never tell him what was haunting her.

"You want to sleep in me and Ron's room? Or Hermione and Ginny's? You were crying, 'Licity."

Her fingers moved nimbly towards her cheek, feeling the salt water that ran down both sides of her face.

"I'm okay, I think."

He looked a little disappointed, but as quick as that look came it disappeared. "Oh, alright then. Sleep well."

As he began moving towards the dark corrider, she regretted saying no, and called out after him. "Harry, wait... Can you stay here, please?"

He grinned softly.

"'Suppose I can."

He lay next to her, noses nearly touching although the bed was large enough. As he closed his eyes, she looked deeply with her own. His breathing was rhythmic and smooth, like the offings of the great sea. Each fickle twitch of his skin, each offering of a kiss she dreamed of as his lips rubbed together amongst each other, each feeble movement of his eyelashes. She was lost in his details.

"Harry?" Her voice croaked, exhausted.


She breathed him in; he smelled like the winter air. "Thank you for everything."

He opened his eyes, making eye contact into her false brown ones. He smiled kindly at her.

"You're my friend, you don't need to thank me."

She smiled.

"Night, Harry."

"Goodnight, Felicity."


She was woken to Ron's voice drifting through her room. "Whoa, guys, get a room."

Slowly, her eyes opened, and she found herself tangled in the dark green bedsheets and Harry's arms and legs. She pulled away quickly, falling off the bed and hitting her head on the nightside table.

"Ow...." She moaned, rubbing her head.

Harry sat up, not as hurriedly, looking at her and stretching.

"She had a bad dream, that's all." Harry said, nonchalantly. "You alright?"

As he spoke she noticed he was only in boxers and a tee shirt, blushing profusely, covering it with a yawn and hitting her elbow on the bedside table.

"Shit!" She said, loudly, now expecting a bruise on her forehead and her elbow.

Harry and Ron both laughed a little bit, before Ron helped her up and she recollected herself.

"Mum says breakfasts ready, so come down. Hermione has some ideas on well, you know."

Hermione shoveled pancakes in her mouth, scribbling messy words down with her quill as if she'd forget them if they did not hit the paper within a second. The rest of them ate slowly, watching her with wonder as she multitasked whatever she was doing. After about three minutes she was done her meal with, surprisingly, no puke.

"I've drawn a list of the possible people the 'horcrux'," she made air quotations, indicating it may or may not actually exist there. "could've been placed on."

"Yeah, well, go on, and don't rush it." Harry said, causing Ron to snort and Hermione to glare at both of them.

"Lupin is the first person I thought of." She said, carefully. "He's stressed a lot, being a werewolf and all, but he'd notice if something was placed on him during one of his shifts, right?"

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