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Her name was Pyxis Malfoy.

But that name was not one that would bring her safety. Voldemort would kill her and the Order would not dare trust her; she was cursed.

However her biggest problem did not lie with her name, but something much worse, something no magic could conceal and no lying could deny -The dark mark. It was perfectly etched onto her forearm by the Dark Lord in a deep black shade that would forever be on her skin. Forever would she see the skull and the snake representing everything wrong with the world and all of the evil. It mocked her.

Click, click, click.

She paced the wooden floor of her small house. The rustic boards creaked beneath her worn shoes. Her head was heavy as was her heart. She missed when things were simple, when she loved her mom and dad, and when Draco was a source of comfort rather than fear, and when life was something to seize, not the other way around.

Life had tried to seize her before. Or rather, death had.

It was the first time she told her father she was not going to fight for You-Know-Who, but for Harry Potter. He had cursed her for so long she could have sworn she was dead. Luckily, she was well enough to spit on his front door and lead herself somewhere far, far away.

Things weren't simple now, though, and she could not change it unless she was the brightest, or the most powerful. Death lurked in every alley and hid under ever bed, using it's greedy talons to take anyone it could get. The evil, the great, the rich, and the poor. Children and adults alike; no one was safe.

Pyxis was especially not safe. She was mutually disliked by both the evil and the good. Death was her old friend trying to keep in touch, and life seemed to be indifferent to her existence. In other words, she was absolutely fucked.

Despite, she had a single something to keep her going - a killer ambition to change things, no matter if the everyone liked it or not.

So she started with herself.

Her name was Pyxis Malfoy.

She had blonde hair and eyes like the stormy sky.

She was a death eater.

Her name is Felicity Acker,
sweet English girl who grew up in London and attended a small school in Latvia. Half-Blood and pure heart, sweet as can be. With the help of a few advanced spells, she was now a rusty, deep red head, freckled as can be, and bespectacled with thick rimmed circular glasses.

Smiling to her dusty mirror and grabbing the wand she stole from Astoria Greengrass due to various 'misunderstandings', she closed her eyes and thought of her favorite little joke shop in London and disappeared.

Hey!! Hopefully after this chapter Pyxis/Felicity will start to get more personal and develop, but for now, voila.

xx, nox.

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