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Harry was angry - she could see it in his eyes. His fists were shaking and his breaths were becoming less and less stable.

Hermione watched him fearfully, Ron looked at him in a knowing way, and Felicity was not sure what to expect.

Finally, he burst.

"I'm fucking tired of all of this! This bloody horcrux that we've never even seen is ruining our lives! I can't eat or sleep or breath without it on my mind." He yelled, then muttered something that sounded awfully like "I'm going mad."

"Harry," Hermione started, very carefully. "Maybe you need a break, to clear your mind a bit... The stress can't be helpful in finding an answer..."

Hermione was not careful enough, and Harry was not fuming.

"DON'T YOU SEE? EVERY DAY WE WAIT ANOTHER INNOCENT PERSON DIES AT HIS HANDS! THERE'S NO TIME FOR CALMING DOWN." He punched a wall, causing a small dent to form in the wall, but it seemed his hand had been more damaged and he grew embarrassed. "I need a moment." He decided, leaving the three sitting on Harry and Ron's beds.

"I can't blame him for snapping," said Ron, darkly, peering at the two in front of him between his ginger hair. "I'd be going mad too."

"He's taking the blame for everything that's happened, when in reality he's done nothing. He's going to drive me mad, taking everything out on himself." Hermione said, head in her hands.

Ron nodded. "He hasn't slept in days. I'll wake up in the middle of the night and he'll still be reading that blimey book Dumbledore gave you... I don't think there are any more hints in the children's stories."

"That's our only guess right now, though, isn't it?" Felicity butted in. A week had passed of helping Harry and the others figure out the task at hand, and nothing would give a slight hint. "We don't have any other solid guess, do we? And he's so stressed... He might be hoping for a hidden message that probably isn't there."

Hermione nodded. "Probably." She sighed. "We should let him calm down though. Come on, Ron, let's help your Mum with dinner." She gave a weak smile to Ron as he took her hand and they left the room.

Felicity was left alone, sitting on Harry's bed in the dark, dank room. His bedside table was littered with books, papers, quills, and a few personal belongings. She picked up a picture frame, staring at it intently. Inside, Harry's parents laughed and twirled, dancing in the winter snow and looking at each other with love in their eyes. She smiled, but she felt a deep sadness for Harry; he never got the chance to see them like that while they were alive.

Putting it back where she found it, she read through The Tales Of Beedle the Bard. In it, in a scribbled mess, he wrote next to almost every section, trying to draw connections to the final horcrux. Reading through them, none of them made very much sense, and instead seemed very scattered. 

And suddenly, through the incomprehensible notes, a great idea sparked in her mind, and she ran downstairs and outside to find Harry.

He sat at a park bench next to all of the houses, watching the grey cloud roll past. He had a stone in his hand and twirled it round and round, to calm himself.


He looked at her through his messy ebony hair.


"I have an idea. A really stupid one, at that, but an idea."

He looked at her curiously while she sat next to him on the park bench. The wood creaked beneath her; the wind whistled a gentle song to its lover. They both watched the trees move to the song before she spoke.

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