【XXII】Becoming Cynical

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The rest of my travel towards Eli's rescue was accompanied by the directing voice of Gavin. He told me where to go, since I didn't know where they went even after he told me the place.

"It's just around the corner!" He panted behind me. His heart was beating so rapidly it was louder than drums.

We've been doing a mix of running, jogging, running, fast walking, and more jogging non stop, and it was clear he was exhausted. Not to mention that I am too. But right now, stopping to take even a few minutes break was out of question. Time was precious, and if wasted, it can never end happily.

"Left!" He barely managed to get out as I swiftly sprinted around the corner of a tall rusty building that seemed like some sort of post office. I didn't question the place, just kept on running and running till I hit a dead end.

"Gavin!" I yelled, my voice a mix of a growl and a shrieking hyena, "Where are they?" He better not have lead me to the wrong place. He was so dead if he did.

"He's, over.." Gavin began as he took a big inhale, "There..in the bin thingy." He finally managed to get the words through between heavy breaths as I dashed towards what seemed like two large containers I wasn't willing to open. One was black, a sickly scent surrounding it which caused the odor to linger over the second bin as well which was a light peacock blue.

"You gotta be kidding me." I whined under my breath as I plugged my nose with one hand and slowly lifted the plastic covering with the other.

Instantly I was accompanied by a stronger scent, making my plugged nose feel as if it were wide open. Rotting garbage of all sorts ranging from banana peels to bicycle wheels filled the black container, and to top it all off, a swarm of nasty gnats and other flies emerged from the opening and danced around by my hair. I haven't taken a shower in about two days, and this public garbage didn't make me feel any cleaner.

Oh how I yearn for fresh water to cleanse me...

"They're not here!" I said in a stuffy voice over my shoulder, keeping my hand on my nose as I glared at Gavin.

"The... The blue one." He said weakly as he threw his bottom to the floor and waved his hand towards the bin beside the one I held open. I released my nose and closed the bin.

Big mistake.

The heavy scent of litter exploded out at me, causing my face to scrunch up in disgust. I shook the stench off, heaving away the odor as I abruptly opened the blue recycling bin which wasn't in any better condition as it's neighbour.

"Hi?" A small cutesy voice perked. I looked deeper into the recycling bin, filled to the brim with boxes, cans, and plastic forks and plates. My eyes focused on a small shady figure hidden under the cluster of recyclable materials.

"Izzy?" I gasped as he slowly crawled out from a large box and into sunlight where I could see his dancing eyes and dashing grin.

"Sienna!" He sang as he leaped up and gave me a hug. Izzehya was always closer to me then to anyone else in the whole facility. I trust him, just like he trusts me. Close relationships are built upon trust aren't they?

"Oh god Izzy! You had me scared to death!" I exclaimed as I picked him out of his little hiding place and onto the rocky pavement. He looked up at me with a cheery expression, as if all he had witness that past night was just a dream. 'Or a game, like the one Eli convinced Izzy to believe.'

"Eli..." I said in a dazed tone before smacking my forehead with the palm of my hand, realizing that my horrible memory was really starting to do me absolutely no good.

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