Chapter Four.

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Me and Piper sat at a table with Morello for lunch. Piper was acting really strange. She wouldn't look up from her tray, she didn't talk at all.
Me and Morello exchanged looks and Morello let out a sigh.

"Piper?", she said.

Piper softly placed her fork down and ran her fingers through her hair before turning to face Morello.

"Yes?", she replied.

"What's wrong hun? You've hardly spoke and you haven't touched your food? I don't really blame you because it looks disgusting but seriously, what's wrong?"

I could tell by the look on Pipers face she was guilty. Most likely guilty about getting Stella thrown into max.

"Nothing...I'm just tired. I didn't get any sleep last night, I was awake, thinking about-"

"Stella?", I interrupted.

Piper didn't deny it, she just looked at me and said nothing.

I nodded my head and left the table.

"Alex wait...come on", I heard Piper call behind me.

I can't believe this. She seriously confuses me. I don't know what she wants. Or who she wants. Me or Stella?

I sat on my bunk with my head rested against the wall. I was disrupted as I felt the bed shaking. I looked over to see Piper climbing up on to my bed.
I rolled my eyes and turned away.



"You seem angry at me?"


"Well...why? I mean-"

"Why Piper? Why. You know why. You miss her don't you? You miss Stella?"


"Did you like her?"

Piper hesitated, but she soon replied.


"You did didn't you! You didn't give a shit about me after we broke up! Inside, I was in fucking pieces because I love you!"

"...loved you", I corrected.

I saw Pipers face drop, her eyes started to well up.

"You don' don't love me anymore?"

"I just can't be dealing with this anymore Piper. It's too difficult. You break my heart all the time. I really, really love you. The moment I saw you I fell in love with you, I always have loved you and always will make me crazy. Honestly, I can't even think straight when I'm with you, or when I'm without you. I just need to...get some air...I just can't-"

I jumped off my bed and quickly headed out to the yard.

I leant against the wall and tried to get my head straight. I was breathing heavily. Everything rushed through my head. Before I knew it I was panting. I leaned forward and placed my hands on my knees to try and get my breath back.

The next thing I know, Piper had her hands on my shoulders and had pinned my back to the wall behind me.

"I love you too", she said before she kissed me. It started getting intense until it finally came to the point we both ran to the closest utility closet.

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