Chapter Eleven.

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"...oh shit", I whispered under my breath whilst looking up at the large, masculine woman.

I felt Piper slide her arm around mine as she moved closer in to me. Everyone in the canteen turned to face us with evil smiles on their faces, awaiting the scene.

"Well...looks like you two are together? Am I right?", the woman said as she came closer in, looking me and Piper dead in the eyes.

"Uh..", I said, turning to face Piper with a 'help' expression plastered across my face.

"Yeaaahh", I replied slowly, turning back to face the piercing eyes of the hideous inmate.

She stood up, shook her head and began laughing. All her friends and the rest of the canteen joined in too. I noticed Stella looking over, she had a confused look on her face.

"Awwwww, well isn't that just too cute! They're like Romeo and Juliet", she laughed with a devilish smile. The inmates continued laughing at us.

The laughing stopped immediately as she slammed her hands down on the table, causing me, Piper and the rest of the inmates to gasp, jumping back in our chairs.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, fuck.

"Now, you don't know me. You don't know what I'm capable of. But, I bet you know not to mess with me", she warned us in a deep voice.

Pipers grip tightened around my arm.

"...a few years ago, an inmate came to max, she was very pretty. I became very interested in her. She made the biggest mistake of her life...", the woman giggled as took out a toothbrush with a razor in it from her pocket.

"She rejected me...she didn't give me what I wanted and she was very rude about it..."

"...SLASH!", she shouted, cutting the air forcefully with her razor, causing the room to gasp again.

I felt my eyes welling up, pure fear ran through me, my heart pounded fast in my chest. Piper almost cut the circulation off in my arm with her grip.

"Cut her straight across the chest. Oh I remember that day as if it was yesterday....her blood running down the plug hole....", she dazed off for a few seconds before she focused back on me and Piper.

"So....I think I've made myself clear. What I want, I get...understand?", she asked us in a demanding tone.

Clearing my throat, I slowly turned to Piper and she nodded slightly.

"Yes", we both replied.

"Good", the woman said, smiling at the two of us.

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