Chapter Six.

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I led on my bed, being the big spoon to piper as usual.
I was twiddling her hair between my fingers as she talked about what we would do when we got out. I thought it was really cute. She got so excited about when we would get released.

"Oh my god Alex, I seriously cannot wait. As soon as I get out I'm going straight to urban outfitters and I'm going to buy a-"

"Chapman?". She was cut off by an unfamiliar voice at the entrance of my cube.

"Yeah?", she said with a confused expression as she sat up from the bed to face the CO.
I sat up straight after she did because this looked serious.

"Up, follow me", he said without waiting for a response.

Piper jumped up off the bed and scurried after the CO.

I quickly got up and followed her.

"Vause, stay here. This doesn't concern you", the CO said as he stopped me walking any further.

"Come on don't be a jerk, let me go with her", I said in a half serious tone.

"Vause, don't make me give you a shot", he said as he got out his notebook.

"Fine, fine", I say as I put my hands up.

"Pipes, don't be too long okay? And tell me everything", I say before I kiss her cheek and head back toward my bunk.

I sat there for what seemed like forever. I don't even know where they took her. I would've known if that fucking guard let me stay with her.

Time went by, I got fed up and headed towards the cafeteria for lunch.

After grabbing my tray, I peered across the room to spot a wild bush of blonde hair.

I ran over as quick as I could and took a seat across from the person I missed so much.

"Nicky! Oh my god I thought I'd never see you again!"

"Hey, I thought I'd never see you again too, Pimp", she said with her signature smirk.

"How the hell are you back here? I thought you were down there for good?", I asked.

"Yeah, so did I. Man I thought I was a gonner. A CO came down and got me from max, told me I was coming back here--thought I'd never say this but I fucking missed this place", she giggled.

"On the other hand, if I see that fucking dick Luschek I will kick the shit out of him", she added.

"No! No you won't I'm not losing you again Nicholls", I laughed.

"Anyway, have you seen Piper? A guard came to get her about an hour ago? I haven't seen her since...I'm getting really fucking worried", I said, my face growing pale.

"No, I haven't seen Chapman...hey maybe morello knows, she's coming now"

I looked over the the petite brunette walking towards our table. Something about her expression made me feel very uneasy.

"Uh...Vause. I uh-"

"You what? What is it? Is it Piper?", I asked becoming extremely concerned.

"Yeah there's um, something you want to see, hurry".

With that, morello was quickly leading me out of the cafeteria and to Caputo's office. Nicky was following close behind.

My stomach dropped when I heard Caputo's booming voice coming from inside his office.

We all gathered outside his door and tried to listen to the conversation.

"Chapman, you have to tell me. Who else was included?!", he yelled.

Then it clicked. He was taking about the panty business. I knew this wasn't a good idea.

It was silent.

"Answer me!", he boomed, causing the three of us to jump back from the door.

"Nobody! I swear, it was just me. I did it".

Piper. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was involved. So was Flaca, Big Boo, Morello, and lots of other people. Piper was taking the fall for all of them.

"No. No this can't be happening", I whispered to morello and Nicky, tears escaping my eyes.

They both have me a sympathetic look and we continued to listen.

"Okay. See, it wasn't that hard was it?", Caputo said, his voice softening.

I had some sort of hope he would let her off. But what happened next was bad. Really bad.

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