Chapter Five.

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Me, Piper, and Morello sat at a table for lunch. There was an awkward silence before Morello broke the ice.

"So. Is everything okay...y'know, between you two?", she asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Thanks Morello", Piper replied before she winked at me from across the table.

I couldn't help but look down and giggle like a love-struck school girl.

"Aw well that's good news", she replied smiling.

"How are you and the hubbie?", I asked her.

"Ohh, we're doing so good! He came to visit me yesterday and bought me this gorgeous silver charm bracelet. Of course I can't wear it but....he's so sweet", she replied falling into a daydream.

"Oh, sounds nice".

Nicky sprung to my mind. Morello is the love of her life and she has no idea she's married. She'd be heartbroken if she ever came back.

Taystees group entered the cafeteria and I overheard their conversation about the library being reopened.

I turned to Piper and raised my eyebrows.

"Ooooh, what's going on?", Morellos asked.

"The library is open again. Wanna go see?"

"Yeah why not", Piper and Morello replied.

We got into the library and surprisingly it wasn't that full. There were a few people sat reading.

I walked over to the table in the middle and sat on it, crossing my legs.

"Remember how much fun we had here Pipes?", I said as I ran my hand across the table.

"I do", she replied with a huge smile across her face.

"Ugh I don't even want to know what happened", Morello laughed.

Piper sat next to me and put her arm around me.

I gently stroked her cheek where the faint cut was from when I hit her.

"I'm sorry babe", I said, my smile fading.

She softly took my hand from her face and took it in her hand.

"It's okay, I deserved it".

"You didn't at all, I never meant to hurt you Pipes", I replied, kissing her cheek.

"I know. We were angry. I mean, it's bad enough being in this shit hole", she said.

"Yeah. I'm going to go back to my bunk now. You coming?"


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