Love Like Magic// Chapter 6

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        It had been two days since I've seen Oliver. I haven't talked much since then. People have questioned me why I wasn't my cheery self. Brandon kept trying to make me feel better, but it wasn't working. I got in bed, praying that when I wake up, Oliver would be there.

  I walked down to the Hospital Wing. I saw Mrs. Wood, my mom, and Brandon standing there. Mrs. Wood was crying. "What's wrong, is everything alright?" Mrs. Wood started to cry even more. "Oliver," Brandon spoke, "died last night." I dropped to the floor. I couldn't believe it, he was gone. Stephen walked by, sneering. I got up and ran over to him, only to be pulled back by Brandon. "Why?!" I wanted to punch him so badly. He then took out his wand and pointed it at Mrs. Wood and my mom. "Avada Ked-" "No!" I screamed. That's when I lost it.

  I jumped up from my pillow. Sweat was dripping from my forehead. I buried my head in my hands. Tears kept falling, I started to choke on them. Brandon came running through the door. "Violet, you okay?" "I'm sorry, it was just a dream." He walked over and engulfed me in a hug. "Everything will be okay. He'll be fine, we'll be fine." I stayed in his arms until I fell asleep.

  The next morning, I felt horrible. My hair was a mess, my voice was raspy, my stomach was in knots, it just wasn't a good morning. I tried to take my hair a bit, that didn't work well. I walked into the hall. "Hey," Angelina called. "Hey," I said, throat burning, must have been from the tears. "You don't sound good." "Didn't have a good night." She understood and pulled me into a hug. "I'm gone for three days and this is what happens?" A voice echoes through the hall. I knew that voice, I had been dying to hear that voice. That amazing, thick Scottish accent. I turned around and saw him standing there. I couldn't help but run towards him. I jumped into his arms. He spun us around. I looked into his eyes and kissed him with all the strength I had left.

Love Like Magic (Sequel to 'He's a Keeper')Where stories live. Discover now