chap. 17

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I let out a sigh of relief as I threw the heels to a corner damn they almost killed my feet and let's not talk about how many times I was going to fall .

Sprawling over the bed I close my eyes as I let out breath which I've been holding onto since the whole event finally analysing over everything that well especially on LEONARDO ROMANO KISSING ME . I HAD MY FIRST KISS WITH MY BEST FRIEND'S BROTHER FUCK .

I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it . I don't think any girl would resist if the man like Leonardo looks at them with those eyes . The kiss was so much more than I could ever imagine it wasn't soft or slow rather ravishing , thigh clenching , breathtaking as he was consuming my soul and I'd gladly give him everything I've to offer and more .

I dreamt of butterflies in my stomach but he gave me a whole damn zoo . It wasn't something I was expecting but damn I feel like I'm gonna explode with the amount of heat running through my veins .

The way he kissed me...grabbed me....sucked my soul out of me . The whole night I could feel his burning gaze on me every time we locked our eyes and with the intensity he looked at me made me squirm and made heat rush to my core- God I'm what am I thinking hell what am I doing kissing my best friend's older brother and dreaming about him .
" Urghh " my annoyance got muffled in the sheets as I drifted to sleep in no time .


I felt a small body jumping on top of mine as it made me open my eyes groggily I was met with a sight of gio jumping onto my stomach trying to wake me up making me awe at him

" Bella !! Bella !! " he yelled in between the giggles as I chuckled leaning over and grabbing him whilst I sat with him on my lap .

" Wakey wakey little one " I exclaimed squishing his cheeks and giving him a peck not being able to control my adoration towards the little creature sitting on me .

" Giovanni come over here this instant . " A voice breaking our conversation and making us both snap towards the doorway to find aurora standing with a gentle but stern gaze to which gio started shaking his head denying.

" Gio listen to your mom " I say to which he just pouts turned his head not listening making me grab his face .

" I'll come and join you for breakfast okaie dookie !? " I say to which he smiled and nodded jumped off bed and ran past aurora.

" I'm sorry about Giovanni disturbing your sleep " aurora said to which I shook my head that little munchkin can never be an inconvenience .

" It's absolutely alright " I said as she made her way downstairs not before letting me know to come down for breakfast after I freshened up .

Stepping out of the shower drying my hair I quickly dressed walking down the stairs I took deep breaths as I clutched the hem of my shirt panicking I don't want to facebut I'm dying to see him-God what's wrong with me urgh !!

Upon reaching the table I looked over to find everyone but him and that made me disappointed and sign in relief at the same time . As I settle down beside emilia and as I took a bite of my toast I felt a presence behind me not just any but the presence of a person which sent shivers run down my spine .

As he took the seat beside me close enough to make my toe curl up as I coughed as yesterday's events played in my mind as I feel emilia rub my back I look at Leo's streched out hand holding a glass as I took the glass our hands touching in the process making me shiver .

Sipping onto the water I looked over only to to be met with a stoic face which was so cold that I almost forgot he was the same person who gave me a toe curling kiss .

I looked at the food which was barely touched whilst everyone was busy in conversation while I just nodded and smiled a couple of times not being able to think straight with Leonardo or should I say ' The guy who I kissed yesterday who also happens to be my best friend's older brother ' .

The fact that Leo was sitting so casual like it's just another morning and nothing had happened yesterday while I was here loosing my senses out in his presence bothered me . As Leo's phone buzzed out making him excuse himself and leave the table .

I spent the rest of the day lazing around the pool not having energy to do anything despite the fact emilia tried dragging me to go out and explore I just declined saying I was just tired from yesterday's event I hate lying to her but I just cannot say it to her .

After multiple times of twisting and turning in the bed I sat up and decided to go get some fresh air so here I am standing in the garden as I spread my hands over the glass railing closing my eyes as I felt the cold breeze hitting my face making me the last time I was here with Leo how close we were.....the warmth his presence gave safe I felt in his arms .

The thought of him made me realise I didn't see Leo the whole day since the breakfast making me disappointed I couldn't help but feel hurt that how unaffected he was as if the kiss didn't mattered to him at all just mere thought of this made my heart burn with hurt .

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