12. The proposal

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"Kamari. Come here." She walked into the living room to find her mother-in-law and Danish's mother chatting together.

"Assalam-o-alaikum." She greeted them, to which Rukhsar, Danish's mother, warmly answered. Her mother-in-law, however, just gave her a nod.

"Where have you been? I didn't see you at all." Rukhsar said. "I was here." Kamari answered.

"Mashallah. You are so beautiful. Ishaan really has a great choice." The woman complimented Kamari, who tried to hide her smile.

"Just like his father." Rukhsar wiggled her eyebrows at Sumaira, who blushed. Kamari looked between them. There was something fishy. But Kamari wasn't that close to them to ask.

"Kamari, do you know how they met? It's very filmy." Rukhsar asked Kamari, who shook her head a little bit too excited.

"Rukhsar, enough. We have a lot to do. Your son is getting married in a few days." Sumaira glared at her, but Rukhsar didn't budge. Sumaira was right. There was a lot to do since the whole house was getting ready for Danish's wedding.

"Whatever, Api. So, it started in my college days. Api has just graduated, so I was going alone, and I noticed that a boy continued to follow me. He would wait for me outside the college and follow me everywhere. It was truly scary, so I told Api. Api, then, came with me one day and slapped the guy." Kamari listened carefully, but what did that have to do with her father-in-law?

"Later, that boy apologised, and I found out that Api hasn't slapped the right guy. She has slapped some guy who was waiting for his sister outside college. So, we began wondering why the first guy apologized, but we ignored it. Until, Izhaar sent his mother to ask for Api's hand. Apparently, he had fallen in love with her after that slap. My parents quickly accepted." Rukhsar finished the story, and Kamari was in awe. She didn't know her in-laws had such a romantic story.

"Why don't you tell her how you caught my brother-in-law's heart at my wedding?" Sumaira taunted Rukhsar, who rolled her eyes.

"Why wouldn't I? The bride's sister is always the prettiest." Rukhsar commented, compelling Sumaira to roll her eyes.

"So, just like that? They saw you and decided they would marry you." Kamari asked.

"The boys in this family are like this. Didn't Ishaan agree to marry you just after one glance?" Rukhsar questioned. Kamari nodded.

"Whatever. What I wanted to talk about was the bride's sister." Rukhsar turned towards her sister. "No, we won't talk about your dress for the hundredth time." Sumaira commented.

"That dress was beautiful, first of all. But I wanted to talk about Alizeh. I have done my research. She isn't engaged or anything. Don't you think Adeel and Alizeh would make a good couple?" Rukhsar asked Sumaira. Adeel would like that, Kamari thought and smiled to herself.

"I don't know. Izhaar wanted to marry him with his friend's daughter." Sumaira said. He wouldn't since Ishaan has already convinced his father to stop.

"Leave that girl. Alizeh takes care of her family. She takes care of her family's business all by herself. How could you reject a girl like that?" Rukhsar questioned.

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