Part 1- Together Again

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Troye's P.O.V

"Troye. C'mon get up, or you're going to be late for your flight. You don't want to be late for Tyler now do you?" he said sarcastically and started making kissy faces. I couldn't believe how immature my brother was. "alright I'm getting up and for the record me and Tyler are just friends" I said and he rolled his eyes. "oh and Tyde?" I spoke just as he was leaving the room. "yes Troye?" he answered

"you're a jerk" I laughed and he rolled his eyes again.

Tyler's P.O.V

I woke up to a text from Troye.

From TroyeBoyyy:

Hey Tilly, you picking me up at the airport tonight?? xx

Oh god I forgot he was coming today. I quickly typed a reply and got out of bed. Walking downstairs I realised how much mess there was to clean up from last night. in my sweats I tried to tidy all the basics. I had to pack!! "Shit Tyler your so unorganised" I said to myself. I ran upstairs, deciding I would clean later and I started to pack. Troye was staying at mine tonight and then me and him were flying to England. The YouTube family were all going camping. I couldn't wait to see everyone. after I'd packed everything I'd need and got the tent and sleeping bags that me and Troye were sleeping in, I got In the shower and put on my best aftershave. I got in the clothes that Troye loved and went down stairs to do the rest of the cleaning, I looked around and said to myself "well this is going to take a while"

Troye's P.O.V

After I buzzed Ty a text making sure he remembered to pick me up, I took my stuff downstairs and loaded it into my dads car, I was wearing the exact clothes I wore when I first met Tyler, he loved the outfit. I am so excited to see my best friend again I haven't seen him in ages, of course we are always texting but its not the same as seeing him in person.

my phone buzzed.

From Tilllyyyy

Hey babe, yeah sure can't wait, what time you land again? xx

I typed a reply and jumped into my dads car. "you ready to go then dad" I shouted out to my dad

"bare with me a sec" he replied.

10 minutes later we were on our way to the airport. My dad stopped and got us both a takeaway costa, I do love my dad.

Tyler's P.O.V

My phone buzzed again and I smiled

From TroyeBoyyy

10:45 please babe, can't wait to see you. leaving now so im not going to be replying, see yaa laterr :) xxx

His texts are always so cringe and yet they always make me smile, I cant wait for him to get here.

***********************************time skip: Tyler picking up Troye******************************

Driving to the airport the butterflies in my stomach grow more agitated. "c'mon Tyler you can't be nervous, he's your best friend!" I squealed to myself, I had taken the time to make Troye a little sign that, Taxi drivers usually hold up, it said "TroyeBoyyy, are you ready for this I couldn't wit to see his smile when he see's it. Seeing Troye smile is one of the best things, its even better when you're the reason.

10:30 was when I arrived at the airport, I was early so I went to grab us both a coffee, knowing how jet lagged he would be after his 14 hour plane ride. and then I went to his gate and waited holding the sign up and the coffee.

Troye's P.O.V

At 10:45 I walked out of the gate that Tyler was picking me up from and I saw him, well you cant really miss him, with his violet hair, I saw him holding something but I couldn't quite see what it was yet so I grabbed my luggage and ran up to him, I noticed the sign said "TroyeBoyyy, are you ready for this" I giggled and ran up to Tyler and hugged him "TILLY, I've missed you so much!!!" I said in his ear, wrapping my arms around him. "Troye Oh, My, God, I've missed you too. oh and got you coffee" he said. I gratefully took the coffee from his hand and took a sip. Tyler took my bags from me as he realised how tired I was and we walked to the car.

When we got back to Ty's, he dragged me upstairs and into the guest room, he layed me down and layed a blanket over me, as he was leaving I said "Tilly? please don't leave stay with me" I said half asleep. he got in bed and I curled up against him, our legs instantly intertwined, I sure have missed this, I thought to myself, and then I slowly drifted off to sleep, with Tyler Oakley next to me.

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