Part 3- A Little Bit More?

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Troye's P.O.V

The car ride was long and squished but when we finally made it to Zalfie's house, Tyler smiled at me encouragingly as he could see I was nervous. I hadn't seen these guys in a long time, and I was worried that things might have changed since the last time. I realised this wasn't the case, however when I Tilly and I walked in and everyone cheered "TROYLER!" and came in for a huge group hug. A permanent smile etched on my face, which continued until Zalfie showed me and Ty the room we were staying in.

It only had one bed....

"we didn't think you would mind about the beds because you are pretty much inseparable anyways but we do have a blow up if you really wanted one." Alfie said.

"nah, it's OK I think Alfie" I replied. Tyler looked over me with a little smirk and a wink, I couldn't help but blush "Tyyyyyyyy" I moaned and he said

"what? I didn't do anything" and winked again. This was going to be a long few weeks.

Tyler's P.O.V

Finding out the room only had one bed, made me strangely happy, I smiled to myself, Troye took it as one of my innuendos and said "Tyyyyyyyy" I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that the thoughts in my head were just as bad, but hey, I'm Tyler Oakley and I'm aloud to think these things, I mean I had the most gorgeous boy staying in the same bed as me and it made me strangely delighted. I quickly dismissed the thoughts however when Alfie said "we will leave you guys to unpack"

"Ok ta babe" I said. "so TroyeBoy, how are we going to try out this bed then, I mean I need to make sure it's just right for The Queen" I winked and I saw a blush creep up once again on Troye's face and he said " Ty, behave, c'mon babe I know you have to share a bed with this perfect god for 3 weeks but you are just going to have to learn to contain yourself" he had a fake look of pity on his face and I couldn't help but laugh, "hey Troye your the hormonal teenager here, I know quite well how to control myself, I've had a lot of experience" at this Troye rolled his eyes,

"Tilly don't bring my age into this..."

"Troye babe, your 19 so I'm going to expect the hormones to take over, and I wouldn't mind you know" I said and winked

I could see that Troye had a permanent blush now on his cheeks and this just made him 10 times cuter. "Tilly babe I know how much you want me and i mean it's understandable, I'm perfect-"

"Troyler it's dinner now, who wants pizza!" I heard Casper squeal from downstairs and laughed "FOOD!" Troye shouted making me jump, he laughed and ran downstairs. I shortly followed and helped myself to some beer and some pizza.

Troye's P.O.V

That little episode in Mine and Ty's room, kind of phased me a bit, That was more than usual, I mean you put to Gay, sassy little bitches in a room together, it's going to get a little flirty but that went quite far, I don't know why I feel so comfortable around Tyler, I felt like I could talk to him about anything and I am never shy when it comes to him, I don't know why I loved the way he smiled(or smirked) and the way his eyes glistened at a competition- TROYE! what are you doing, Tyler is your best friend and that's it.

After an hour of heavy drinking, everyone in the room was very tipsy, and I get really slutty when I'm drunk so I decided I would escape whilst I could- before I did something I would regret. "night y'all, im really tired, I'm just gonna head of to bed" I said

"ahh I'll join you TroyeBoy, jet lag is hitting me hard" Tyler replied, great, I did not need Tyler coming up to bed with me, whilst I'm drunk, and he is too. I walked upstairs and Tyler followed. He shut the door behind him and went to his suitcase, getting out a pair of sweats. "You don't mind do yah TimTam?" he asked

"why would I mind seeing you undress just as your about to get in bed with me" I smirked and winked

"hey Troye, behave now or I might just have to sort you out myself" Tyler Retorted

I felt my body getting hot and sweat growing on my back, I decided to stop this while i still could, although I couldn't help taking a peak at Tyler, Damn, that boy was hot! WAIT ! SHUT UP TROYE! I thought to myself, I really do get slutty when I'm drunk.

Tyler climbed into my bed, and snuggled up to me, his body heat caused shivers to run down my spine. I looked down at Ty and said "nighty night"

I heard him murmur something but I didn't quite catch it, Tyler fell asleep very soon after that and tangled up in him and his body heat radiating off of him, I couldn't stay awake...

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