Part 4- Chemistry

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Zoe's P.O.V

"I can't believe Troyler isn't awake yet!" I sighed "I'm going to have to wake them up, they would be mad if I didn't" I told Alfie.

"hm... yeah they probably would be mad, so you probably should." Alfie replied

I walked up the stairs and got to the boys door, I pushed it open and what I saw melted my heart, I held in an "awww" and quickly got my phone out to take a picture. The boys were totally entangled in each other, Tyler had his head rested on Troye's chest. Well too bad I had to ruin it...


Tyler and Troye both jumped and fell off the bed on top of each other. I laughed loudly and Tyler whined "Zoeeeee! why'd you do that" he said climbing off of Troye.

"because I thought it would be funny, and it so was" I breathed clutching my sides, aching from laughing so hard. "boy's get ready, we are leaving in half and hour to go for breakfast" I said and walked out of the room.

Troye's P.O.V

Half an hour after Zoe left the room, me and Tyler were ready, my quiff game wasn't so strong, but we were only going for breakfast. Tyler however seemed to always look good, I don't even think he has to try, and god it's so annoying!

In the car on the way to the café Zoe was taking us to, I quickly went on twitter and found that Zoe had posted a picture of me and Tyler sleeping earlier captioned:

"#TROYLER! meant to be, just wish they could see it :("

I showed Tyler and we both giggled quietly. "thanks for the tweet Zoe!! The shippers are going crazy!" I said to Zoe. "No problem Troye" she said happily and giggled.

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