Chapter One

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Johnnie's P.O.V

"I don't know Johnnie, I don't feel like it's going to work out, think about the fans what if you guys break up and make it awkward."

There he goes again, why can't Bryan understand I want to do it I'm ready to ask them out.

"Bryan I already told you I'm doing it, I know the consequences and I accept them."

We stayed silent for a few minutes.

"Okay, I get it you like them. But the reason I'm telling you this is to protect you, I have a bad felling about this and I don't want you getting hurt. You feel like a little brother to me."
I went and hugged Bryan.

"Thanks but I think I'm doing the right thing. I'm doing it tonight since they are coming to LA today."

Later that night we went to the airport to pick up Alex and Kyle. Bryan and I sat down waiting for Kyle's plane to come first.

Then I saw a man walking in our direction with luggage. He was wearing a Pierce The Veil shirt with black skinny jeans and vans. He had a benni on and bracelets covering his wrist. That man was Kyle one of my great friends I finally get to see after so many months.

Kyle's P.O.V

Ahhh finally I'm here in LA. The place I can't wait to move to and be surrounded with the people I love.
I live in Ohio and I hate it. I always get depressed and feel lonely. I always have to be someone that I'm not or I get judged. The only thing I like about Ohio is when I penny board. I always know what are the best places to go to penny board. When I do it I feel free. I love looking at the sun setting while I do it, it's my favorite time of day to go ridding.

The plane finally lands. I get my luggage and look for Bryan and Johnnie.

I can feel my heart flutter every time I think of him.

Yes, I have a crush on my friend who lives miles away from me. But today I finally get to see him. Ugh he was so beautiful with his black hair and piercing blue eyes. And when ever he plays with his lip rings makes me feel some type of way I can't explain. Curse Johnnie making me feel this way. Look I'm not fully gay I'm cunfused on my sexuality but I know for sure I like boys. And that boy is Johnnie.

I finally found them. I can already feel my hands sweating.

Jesus Kyle keep it together it's just your friends and your crush calm down.

I wipe away the sweat and keep walking towards them.

Johnnie saw me and told Bryan they both got up and walked to me.

"Hey what's up Kyle?" Bryan said gretting me with a hug.

"Nothing dude just the normal stuff."

Johnnie was right behind him. Johnnie walked up to me and hugged me.
"Hey Kyle I missed you." Hearing him say that formed butterflies in my stomach.
"Missed you too."

I guess Bryan noticed how I was blushing and he was smiling. Oh yeah he ships us alot just like a fangirl. I bet he even has a secret kohnnie account it would be funny if he did.

They helped me with my luggage and we sat down waiting for Alex to come. I was so excited to see her she is such a nice person and a good friend.

While we waited Johnnie was glued on his phone.

"What are you doing that you don't get your eyes off the screen."

"Don't interrupt him Kyle he's  watching porn"

"Hahaha very funny. I'm texting Alex and just on social media like always."

Johnnie was acting diffrent today I wonder why. I started to poke to see if he'll lossen up a bit.


I poked his arm, his cheek, his leg.

"Yes Kyle?"

"You look all tense why is that. I don't like it, you're usally more I don't know, just not this serious."

"Sorry I'm planning something tonight, I guess I'm stressed out. I'll calm down a bit."

Mmhh I wonder what he was planing on doing I didn't feel like asking him.

Alex finally came and we all said hi to her and hugged her. She had her hair dyed red. She was wearing a black and white striped shirt with black ripped skinny jeans and white vans.

We walked to the car with all out suitcases and luggage.

"Johnnie come sit in the passenger seat and Kyle and Alex in the back okay."

"I wanted to sit in the back." Johnnie whined

"To late I already said so." Bryan said giving a look at Johnnie.

This is weird are they mad at each other? Really unlike them. I decided to stay quiet and not get in their business. We got in the car, All Time Low was playing while we were going to their apartment. Alex and I were talking and messing around, Johnnie was looking out the window and Bryan was quiet. Minutes later we finally got to their apartment. We got all of our luggage and went inside.

"Man I missed this place."

"Well we missed you too Kyle." Bryan said

"Okay I really want some peace tea right now." Alex said putting her luggage down. Damn she looked tired.

Johnnie went to the fridge and gave Alex one.

"Kyle do you want one too?" He asked

"Sure." He hands me the drink that I love so much.

"Okay so tonight we are going to have fun. So no sleeping early." We nodded our heads agreeing with Bryan.

We did a younow that night and messed around. It was fun oh how I missed it.

"Kyle can I talk to you in another room?" This is weird what would Bryan need to talk to me about. I followed him to his room.

"So what's up?"

"Okay I've noticed something about you Kyle and I wanted to confirm it." My hands started sweating, crap I'm nervous.

"Uhh what is it..."

"Okay so I see the way you act around Johnnie you blush alot and you always seem happy. Do you happen to have a crush on Johnnie." He says wiggling his eyebrows.

I could feel my self blush like crazy.

"Uhhhh well.... I ummm..." I couldn't talk

"I'm taking it as a yes. KOHNNIE WOAH YEAH IT HAS SAILED!"

I just smiled know that Bryan was okay with it. And that he ships it like any other fangirl

"Bryan be honest with me, do you think he feels the same way?"

"Uhhh about that, I need to tell you one more thing..."

Johnnie P.O.V

"Alex can you come here on the couch real quick I need to talk to you."

I thought this would be the perfect time to talk since Bryan is talking to Kyle.

"Sure what's up." She asked setting on the couch.

"Okay here goes nothing.... Alex I-I like you alot and since we have known each other for a while I've uhh stared getting feelings for you. So I wanted to ask you do you want to be my girlfriend?" Woah I can't believe I did it I'm nervous but I told her.

She sat there not knowing what to say. She moved her red hair out of her face.

"Wow Johnnie that was a surprise. But here is my answer. Yes I'll be your girlfriend."

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