Chapter Two

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Kyle's P.O.V

"Wait what are you talking about?" All I could do was sit there hearing my heart shatter as Bryan said those words.

"Yeah Johnnie told me today that he was going ask Alex to be his girlfriend... I'm so sorry Kyle..."

I just looked down at my hands not knowing how to respond.

Why, why did I think I would have a chance with him. He doesn't even like guys. Ugh I'm an idiot.

"Uhhh I'm going to get some water, I need that right now." I walked out of Bryan's room.

Going to the kitchen I walk past the couch seeing Johnnie and Alex laughing and smiling. Great. I have to deal with this for a whole month and a half.

"Hey Kyle." Alex said smiling. I'm not mad at her, it's not her choice to have feelings for Johnnie. If we did I would have never had a crush on him, because falling for someone that doesn't like the your gender in the way you hope they do hurts.

"Hey Alex." I said as I opened the fridge. "Are you okay?" She asked me giving me a worried look... I'm not okay...

"Yeah I'm fine just a bit tired that's all." I said flashing her a fake smile.

"Uhh Kyle, Alex is my girlfriend now I just wanted you to know that." Yay she said yes... Like I'm happy for them but what about me. I don't care if it sounds selfish, I want Johnnie just for me.

"Cool... I'm happy for you guys." Flashing a fake smile.

Bryan comes in seeing Johnnie and Alex together, then looks at me.

"I'm going to sleep sorry but I'm tired, we can hang out in the morning." I walked to the guest room they had. I put on my headphones and listened to Twenty One Pilots.

I looked up at the dark ceiling. The lights were off and the door was closed. I felt alone again. Hoping that when I come back to LA those feeling would go away. They usally did but this time they didn't. They hit me harder this time. It was painful and empty at the same time. It was also cold. I want warmth, love, happiness. I want so many things, but sometimes we don't get what we want because guess what. That's life.

The night went by fast. Me thinking all of these thoughts. It was now 2:08 am. So much for sleep huh. I walked out the door and saw everyone in their room. Bryan slept in Johnnie's room, so Alex slept in Bryan's. Are they asleep? Whatever. I went back in my room and changed into a plain white baggy shirt with some sweats. I grabbed my penny board and went outside. I know that they kept the spare key in the pot of a plant. Yes found it. I locked the door and put the key back.

Yes late night penny boarding something to get my mind off things. I rode my penny board on the side walk. I felt the faint breeze which made me happy and relaxed me. I could care less about the time I just needed a breather. Something to get my mind off things. So I don't have my dark thoughts consuming my brain. Which scares me one day that I would be alone in the darkness, that I loose all the things I love. That nothing goes right. That no matter what I would get hurt each time and my glass heart breaks more and more and one day it shatters into a million pieces. Which I know would happen one day.

Shit it's 2:50 I should go back now. I ride back to the apartment. Looking for the spare key. 3:14 at least I feel better.

I open the door to see the one and only Johnnie Guilbert...

Johnnie's P.O.V

I heard the front door shut which startled me. What the fuck, is someone here? Bryan jumped too.

"Johnnie go look what it is." Bryan just wanted to sleep great. That asshole let me deal with this alone. "Fine sleep asshole."
I know I can get Kyle I bet he could help.

I walk to Kyle's room. The heck the door is wide open. "Kyle are you awake?" I walk over to his bed seeing nothing, no one was here. What the fuck, did he go out? But at this time it's like 2:30 in the morning. His penny board is gone. I walk to the front door, it's locked. Who knows where he would go.

I decided to wait for him. I sit on the couch in the dark. It didn't bother me. I had my phone to make the time fly.

Why would he leave didn't he say he was tired? Did he not want to be with us?

Where would he go, especially at this hour. Wait does he have a girlfriend. What! No he wouldn't. He would tell me right? Ugh the thought of him with a slutty girl on him made me mad. No he is smater, he wouldn't fall for a girl like that. He's carful he always wanted a real relationship. I should calm down.

Ugh I'm worried what if something happened to him? What if got hurt. What happened is he sad what should I do? I know just stop worrying about him. That's easy.

Why isn't he back yet ughhh. Just focus on your phone Johnnie he's okay your okay. You got a girlfriend and your happy. I'm happy right? Yeah of corse I am, stupid late night thoughts cunfusing my head.

Kyle come back safe please. Wait why am I freaking out so much, like yeah it's normal but is it normal to freak out this much. Yeah it is. Totally normal.

Still nothing. He isn't here, no text. I need to talk to him when he comes back to see if he's okay.

Come back Kyle. Jesus what if something happened. When it hits 3:30 I have to go out and look for him.

I heard the door unlocked. I jumped up and saw Kyle standing there with his penny board in his hand.

"Uhh Johnnie, uhh weren't you asleep?"

"Weren't you in the house? Where were you I was worried that something happened."

"I just went for some air. That's all. I'm going to bed now. Night."

I grabbed his arm "Oh no you don't until you explain. You said you were going to bed then you go out to penny board, somethings up. Tell me Kyle."

"Nothings wrong now let me go.

"No don't lie to me. I know you well enough to know somethings up. Do you have a girlfriend or something or ex? Are you okay?"

"Girlfriend? Ha, no why do you care."

"Because I can and you're my friend. Now tell me."

"Fine something is wrong. Happy let me go."

"No. Tell me what it is."

"You wouldn't understand no one will. Don't you get it that I'm alone, you wouldn't even understand because you have your mind on something else. And me I'm just me. Not someone that would impact your life the way you want."

"What the fuck are you saying Kyle, you are just making things up so you can push me away. It's a girl right?"


Bryan came in. "What the fuck is happening here. Your going to wake up Alex just like you did with me."

"Yeah I had enough I'm going to bed." Kyle storms off to his room and slams the door and locks it. What's up with him...

"What happened Johnnie?"

"To be honest I don't know..."

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