Chapter 5

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Kyle's P.O.V

We are going out to eat. I'm happy that all four of us are hanging out together but I said it before and I'll say it again I don't want to see Alex and Johnnie being all cuddly.

"Okay so where are we going to eat?" I was fine with whatever.

"How about pizza?" Everyone agreed with Bryan and we started to get ready.

I went to change into an issues shirt and a grey benni. I checked my phone and then saw a text from Lindsey.

Lindsey: Hey it's Lindsey, from hottopic the one that was a bitch

Me: oh that bitch. I think I remember. Jk what's up.

I heard a knock on the door. I went and opened it. It was Bryan all ready wearing his classic blue areopostale shirt. "Oh hey."

"Don't oh hey me what was that when we came back?" I honestly don't know why he was over reacting it was just a hug. "It was a hug Bryan, I gave you one before so don't act like you have never seen one."

"Shut up I know what a hug is. I was talking about did you tell him or what?" Did he really think I would tell Johnnie how I feel. "Ha you're crazy. I just told him why I was all weird but I said it was with someone else he thinks it's a girl..."

"Oh okay do you plan on telling him." Nope. Never going to tell him. It's going to ruin our friendship. "Maybe." Yes I lied and I don't care I'm just done with this Johnnie bullshit.

I saw Alex pop her head in the room. "You guys ready? Because we are." We nodded our heads and walked out the door.

"I call shot gun." Alex said while running to the car. I ran to catch up with her but she got there first. "No fair you get the aux cord." She laughed at me "Exactly." I didn't really care about the music I just didn't want to sit in the back with Johnnie.

We got in the car and Alex put on All Time Low. Johnnie was sitting right next to me. We were quiet for a while until he finally spoke. "Do you feel better?" Actually no I don't, and I know it's going to get worse. "Yeah I feel better." He smiled at my response "That's good, because I care alot about you." He put his hand on my shoulder. Fuck you Johnnie.... stop making me fall for you more. "Thanks I care alot about you too." Did I say care no I meant I want to grab your face right now and kiss you. He smiled at me. God damit he is so attractive. He kept staring at me like he was trying to figure out what I was thinking. It looks like he doesn't believe me.

I turn my head away to get out of his gaze. I look out the car window and see it getting dark. Seeing the sun hide and the moon taking over. Two diffrent things but for the same purpose. They try to put light in the sky. They both are extremely different, like how much light they give off, how long you get to see them, how they have decided to show them selves that day. It kinda reminds me of us humans if you think about it.

"We are here." Bryan said parking they car. We were at this small pizza place. We got in and it was all cozy. It wasn't huge but it was big enough for people to eat inside and grab people's attention. We sat down at a booth. I sat across from Bryan and sat next to Alex. Johnnie was right across from her.

"Hi what do you guys want to eat today." The waitress came up to our table. She had bright red lipstick, light brown eyes and curly strawberry blonde hair. We decided that we wanted a cheese pizza so we wouldn't fight for a topings. "Okay coming right up." She walked away with a smile on her face.

I looked at Johnnie he was looking at Alex with love something I wish he felt for me. She did the same. It hurts alot having to see this. I look at Bryan. He looked like he was having fun. Talking with his friends not having to care about anyone else. They were all talking like they were happy. Why am I the only one like this? Is it just because of Johnnie? No its because I let my self get sad. I let my self push people away. I let my self see the negative of things. Which isn't right.

"Kyle pay attention the pizza is here." I saw Bryan waving his hands in my face trying to snap me out it my deep thoughts. "Oh sorry must have been day dreaming" The cheese pizza was put in the middle of the table. It was a large so it was enough for all of us.

We eat and talk about video ideas. I forget about my thought for a while. I laughed, something I haven't done in a while. I wish it would stay like this forever.

Johnnie's P.O.V

I'm worried about Kyle he is always thinking about something else. In the car he was all awkward and in the pizza place he wasn't really paying attention until Bryan waved his hand in his face. He is always ignore me. Why doesn't Kyle talk to me. I can't help him or do anything if he doesn't talk to me. If he doesn't want help it's fine whatever.

We are walking out of the pizza place and to the car I grab Alex's hand. We smiled at each other. I think today is the day I'm going to kiss her. I just need to get us alone.

We ride home but this time Kyle in the passenger seat. The music plays in the background as I let my thoughts take over me.

No I'm stronger than that. I shake off those feelings and calm down.

I grab Alex's hand which was rather sweaty. She smiled. Ahhh that made me feel better.

We finally got the the apartments.
"Hey guys I'm going to take a walk with Alex." They nodded their heads and walked away.

I grabbed her hand. "Where are you taking me Johnnie?" She asked with a giggle. I didn't want to answer.

I sat her down right next to me on a bus bench right outside our apartment.

"Why did you bring me here?" I laughed as she asked that.
"Don't you see it." She shaked her head as to say no. "Just look at the veiw. It night be a crappy bus stop but it has an amazing veiw." I pointed at the perfect view of the moon in front of us surrounded by stars. The trees moved slowly dancing with the wind. It was absolutely beautiful. "Wow Johnnie this is beautiful. It makes me want to stay here in this spot forever." I grabbed her hand and got closer to her. Is it happening? Am I doing it? She looked at me with her inocent green eyes. We both leaned in and our lips touched. I finally kiss Alex Dorame.

We stayed at that spot cuddling together for a few more minutes. When it started to get cold we decided to go back.

Now let's hope we stay like this for a long time.

A/N: I FINALLY UPDATED!This seems more like a johlex fanfic more that a kohnnie. Don't worry its almost here. I'm going to try to update more since I have more of an idea how I want the fic to go. Thanks for 200 VEIWS WOAH'! Well

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