Chapter 3

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Kyle's P.O.V

I slammed the door shut and locked it. I didn't want anyone to come in and see me like this. I laid in my bed looking at the dark ceiling. Letting tears fall out my eyes.

Why was he acting like that? Why was he so worried? No one has ever been like that. Why did he ask if I had a girlfriend why does it matter? I laughed at the thought of me having a crush on someone else. If I ever do get over Johnnie, it would be hard to be with someone for so many reasons. No one is like Johnnie, he is so special, always makes me happy, how hard it is to read what he is thinking at times, how he plays with his lip rings, whenever he played with his sleeves and made them cover his hands, so many things that no one would have and those small things made me fall for him. But me, I'm not special, no one has ever cared about me the way I want them to. I always got hurt in the end of the day. I just want to feel loved, not the love from your parents the one saying I can't live with out you, the love saying you're my everything and I would fight for you, show you to the world that you are mine, do everything possible to show you that I love you. That's the love I want, the love I crave and dream of.

I started feeling sleepy slowly. I drifted off to sleep letting the sad thoughts consum my head.

I woke up. I reached over to my phone to check the time. 1:25. I walk out side hearing laughter coming from the living room. I remembered the things that happen yesterday and how Alex and Johnnie are together. I really don't want to deal with their lovey dovey shit. Like I wouldn't mind if Johnnie was like that to me but with someone else ha nope... yes I admit it I'm jealous. Wouldn't you be if you having been crushing on someone for months that is with a beautiful girl. Something you can't compete with.

I took those thoughts out of my head as I walked in the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, I looked like complete shit. Tired, done, hurt, pain, sadness, broken. Those are all the things I see in the mirror. I get in the shower and change into a Sleeping With Sirens shirt with skinny jeans and galaxy vans. I put all my bracelets on again. They covered my whole wrist not that I have anything to hide, I don't self harm I just get really sad. I straighted my hair and put on a benni.

I walked out to see Johnnie and Alex on the couch watching TV, Johnnie's arm was around Alex while her head was resting on his shoulder. Yay I love seeing the guy I'm head over heals for with someone else right after I wake up. God this is going to be a hard 2 months. Bryan was in the kitchen eating chips. "Hey Kyle." I gave him a weak smile. "Hey..." I didn't feel like talking but I knew Bryan would understand he actually listens and cares. "How are you feeling about everything." I didn't want to talk in front of Alex and Johnnie. "Can we talk somewhere else?" I looked down at my feet. He nodded his head and walked to the room I was staying in. He let me go in first and locked the door.

"Why did you do that?"

"Oh so if Johnnie forgets to knock and he opens the door I don't want him walking in on you crying."

"What makes you thing I'm going to cry?"

"You haven't cried yet and whenever someone talks about their feelings they cry... so what's wrong I know your not okay so don't even try to lie." This is why I love Bryan, he truly cares. He would listen to you for hours. I've talked to him like this before but it's usually about home.

"Okay, right now I'm hurting so bad. I have to see Johnnie and Alex together for two months. I have to watch the person I care about most be with someone else. I have had feelings for him for a while now and being away for him hurt. I cried, I got mad, every feeling and emotion possible, he made me feel that way. Seeing the fans ship us made me happy, I know that they would support me if I ever got with a guy. So I don't need to worry about that. But I didn't want them to watch me get hurt. I always get hurt, past relationships they have used me, not cared, cheated on me, everything possible. So I was scared it would happen again with Johnnie, plus I didn't want to ruin our friendship. The problem every single person has. But sometimes I didn't care, I wanted to take the risk if it ment to be in his arms. Everytime we played around with kohnnie and whatever it made me happy, every time he held my hand, every time we hugged, every time he touched me, made me feel warm and different inside. The good different. But he did it for the fans and the laughs. He didn't feel anything while I did. I can't believe I ever even thought that he could possibly like me back. LIKE FOR FUCKS SAKE HE IS STRAIGHT! He is straight, even if he liked guys he wouldn't like me, just look at me I'm a mess." I could feel the tears streaming down my face.

Bryan gave me a hug. "Kyle stop. You are amazing, and it's his lost anyway. To tell you the truth I don't like it that he is with Alex. Don't get me wrong I love Alex to death but I feel like something would go wrong." I calmed down a bit but I was still crying. "Thanks Bryan but I just want us to be a couple, I want to hold hands, cuddle, all that cute stuff. But now I can't my chances are over. Now I'm heartbroken and I don't know what to do."

I heard a knock on the door. It was Johnnie's voice and in panic I ran in the bathroom not wanting him to see my face in tears.

Johnnie's P.O.V

"Now I'm heart broken and I don't know what to do." I walked passed Bryan's room and I hear Kyle's voice.

That's what's wrong with him, he is heart broken. Why couldn't he tell me?

I tried opening the door. Locked. Great. I knocked on the door. "Uhh hey why is the door locked? Is everything okay?" No answer. What the... the door opened up.

"Hey Johnnie what do you want." I forgot why I came here. But when I heard that Kyle was sad I needed to know. "Can I come in?" Bryan nodded and let me enter the room. Looking around the room and I couldn't find Kyle. "Bryan I heard Kyle's voice is he in here." He didn't answer. It was silent. The bathroom door opened. It was Kyle. "Oh uhh hey Johnnie. Guys I'm going to go out. So see you guys later." And he left. It grew silent. "So what did you need?"
Oh I remember. "My phone charger... I'll just go get it and leave." I grabbed it and left.

I went back to the couch and sat next Alex. "I'm back." I said kissing her cheek. We haven't kissed on the lips yet but we do hold hands, kiss on the cheek, cuddle, that's it I'm scared to kiss her. "Johnnie do you know where Kyle went." She asked me she looked worried. "No why?" I wrapped my arm around her. "He was pale and sad and I'm worried I don't like seeing him like that." I nodded my head. "Yeah me neither, I hate it that a girl broke his heart." Alex gave me a surprise looked and then looked annoyed. She stood in front of me with her arms crossed. "Johnnie, he is one of your best friends. You knew he was heart broken and didn't do anything about it. I am now your girlfriend and I love being with you but still be with your friends. Plus you know how Kyle is and how he feels alone. I would do it myself but he doesn't tell me everything like he does with you. So when he comes back from where ever he is I want you to talk to him and make sure he is okay and be with Bryan too okay." She was right, I was kinda ignoring them I guess I was so caught up in the whole Alex thing I wasn't paying attention to anyone else. "Okay, you're right and I'm sorry." She smiled and sat back down. "Good." She kissed my cheek and we continued watching the movie.

A/N: Hi this is my first fanfic ever so I'm sorry if it isn't good so far. Did I surprise you in the first chapter with the whole Alex thing. Ik people make her a bitch sometimes in kohnnie fanfics but I love Alex so much so I don't plan on doing that. She is so pretty and adorable. But yeah I hope you like it so far and comment stuff like idk opinions on Alex, johlex, kohnnie, my story, if you want to see something in the future, all that stuff. Thanks ♡

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