Chapter 4

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Kyle's P.O.V

I decided I wanted to go out to hottopic. I got my penny board and road it to the nearest mall. But I couldn't stop thinking if Johnnie heard what happened. I didn't want him to hear me confessing how I feel about him to Bryan. When I tell him I wanted it to be in person. Not from someone else or over hearing me in a conversation.

I finally got to the mall. I carried my penny board and walked inside. I saw all the different types of people. The girls wearing way to much makeup and little clothes. Some of them looked sad, they may be smiling but in their eyes I saw sadness, it looked like they thought that was the only way to fit in when it isnt. The guys trying to look good, flirt, and making fun of anyone weaker than them. Pathetic. I saw the parents happy with their children laughing. I remember that when I was little. I waked in between my parents hold their hands laughing and running to the Disney store and asking them to buy me any stuffed animal that catched my eye, but that changed. I saw couples holding hands being cute, you can see that some of them were truly happy when they looked at each other, how they blushed at the little things. I wanted that. But you also saw the couples that weren't happy, that love that was in their eyes was long gone, it all looked forced, like they were scared to hurt each other. Something I feared of. I saw the people that were like me with their friends laughing and being weird and not caring about how people stared or anything like that. I thought that was going to happen when I came back to LA but it didn't, I wanted to walk around with the rest of MDE and laugh at stupid things that we did, snapchatting about it, for some reason that can't happen and that's my wish.

When your alone you notice the small things about people, you notice the look in their eyes the way they move almost everything. It can be sad at times but sometimes you know about that person more than you should.

I finally got to the hottopic that was all the way at the other end at the mall. I went inside seeing all the band merch, dark shirts, anime stuff, everything. I went over to the band merch section and grabbed a Memphis May Fire shirt and another Pierce The Veil shirt because I'm such a fan boy I'm trying to get every Pierce The Veil shirt I can find I know it's sad. I went and got a Sleeping With Sirens bracelet. I also got a nice white benni and a grey-blue sweater.

I went to the cashier, it was a girl she was very pretty. She had lavender hair. She had a nose piercing and a choker with a star on it. She had long black nails and grey eyes.

"Hey." I decided to talk to her. I don't know why I just felt like it. She looked up at me cunfused. "Oh uhh hey..." She kept scanning the items. "So uhh what's your name?" Kyle you suck at this. She pointed at her name, tag it read Lindsey. "Look if your trying to flirt with me I'm a-" She stopped mid sentence. She looked down and kept scanning. Was I flirting maybe I guess I was finding the easiest way to get over Johnnie.

"Sorry that was bitchy of me for saying that your flirting with me, I just had a bad morning let's say that." She looked sad I didn't like that. "Me too. I had a bad morning and night. I'm Kyle by the way." She smiled at me "Your total is 47.59." I handed her my card. "Look if you want I will take you to the Starbucks over here in five minutes when my shift ends to say sorry." She said giving back my card and a bag filled with my stuff. "Sure why not." With that I left the store with a smile on my face. I might finally get over Johnnie.

I sat down in a chair at the Starbucks at the mall. It was small it didn't really bother me because it wasn't crowded since it was a week day. I saw Lindsey walking over to. "Hey." She had a tie - dye BMTH shirt, white shorts and black vans. "Hey, let's go get something to drink." We both got in line and talked about bands and stuff. We got our drinks and sat back down.

"Wow so your a youtuber what do you do?" I guess she has never heard what a youtuber is. "Well I make videos like vlogs, talk to a camera alot, act stupid, yeah but I love it. I met amazing people, I have amazing fans that I love and I wouldn't change it for the world." She smiled at me. We continued talking about life, our parents, our problems. We actually have a lot in common.

"Hey can I get your number, I loved talking to you it distracted me from what happened last night." Last night was that why she was sad earlier. "Sure, if you don't mind me asking what happened?" I said passing each other our phones. "I don't want to talk about it." She passed me my phone back as I did the same. "Oh okay it's fine sorry." She gave me a weak smile but at the same time it let me know that it's okay. "Bye." I waved at her and went back to the apartment.

Johnnie's P.O.V

I'm alone in the apartment how boring. I blasted my music loud and just laid on the couch scrolling through my phone.

I heard the door unlock and I see Kyle walk in. Perfect we can finally talk.

"Hey Kyle can we talk..." I sat up and turned off the music. I patted a spot on the couch for him to sit. He walked over and sat next to me.

"What's up?" How was I going to say this I don't want him to run off again. "Well I heard what you were talking about with Bryan, why didn't you tell me?" He looked down at his hands. "Because I thought you would think differently of me and it could ruin our Friendship." What is he talking about? Are we talking about the same thing? "Why would you think that? We all feel that way sometimes it's normal." There was a long silent pause. "Oh you didn't hear the whole conversation did you? Thank god..." Wait there is more? Why is Kyle hiding so many things from me? "All I heard is that you want to date this girl and that you're heart broken." He laughed, what is up with him what's so funny? "Yup its a girl, you figured it out sherlock. But I'm fine now so bye."

He got up but before he walked away I pulled him back down. "Why are you walking away from me? I want to talk to you, tell me about this girl. How did she break your heart?" He looked down at his hands again and let his hair hide his face. "Well this girl is my friend, we were almost like best friends. Well one day I developed feelings for her and I hated it. I knew it could ruin our friendship. I had to spend time with her and not feel the urge to kiss her and hold her. Before I could tell her how I feel she got a boyfriend and I felt like I was nothing to her. I hated having to see them cuddle and be cute. I wanted to be that person for her. But I didn't so I came over here to LA with a broken heart. But I'm getting over it, well I hope so."

Wow all this time he felt like this I'm such a dick. I pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry, it's her lost you are an amazing guy anyone would be lucky to have you as a boyfriend. You take relationships seriously and you actually want to show them that you love them." He hugged me tighter when I said that. I'm happy that I got my friend back.

I was about to let go of the hug but he didn't let me. "Sorry but I wanted to hug longer because I haven't had a hug for a while and I hated it." I nodded. I should have paid more attention to him. He told before how he gets lonely and I ignored him since we got here.

I heard the door open and saw Alex and Bryan walking in. We pulled away from the hug. Alex ran up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Yay I'm happy you guys made up. See I was right, you should pay more attention to your friends and not just me." I smiled and looked at Bryan. He was cunfused. "What you never seen a kohnnie hug?" He laughed and walked over to us. "Let's go out to eat." We all agreed and started to get ready.

4/7 of MDE are together, and we could finally be the family we are. We are just missing Shannon, Jordan, and Jeydon then we could be the full family maybe one day we can all be together at once.

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