Chapter 5 - I don't deserve that...

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“Why didn’t you tell me?” Zayn asked with a sigh, running his free hand through his perfectly styled hair.

“I’m sorry! I just thought you wouldn’t care…” Jade sighed from the other side of the line, biting her lip, feeling guilty

“If i didn’t care, i wouldn’t ask you on a date, nor want to meet you again” Zayn said quietly

“I…didn’t know” Jade looked up feeling bad that she hadn’t told Zayn that she was moving to theUS.

“It’s okay but i really want to see you when you’re back” Zayn said hopefully

“Zayn who knows when i’ll be back! Until then things will happen and…”

“I’m not saying that we HAVE to date again… just be friends?” Zayn asked awkwardly and heard a quiet giggle on the other side of the line

“Oh, sure why not!” Zayn could imagine her bright smile, and felt really bad that she moved. He could relate to her, and liked spending time with her. He saw her as the potential girlfriend, but oh well, things changed now so better have her at least as a friend.

“Thank you Jade! I’m going to miss you”

“I’ll miss you too Zayn. I promise i’ll call every time i can” she said in an assuring tone, making Zayn smile as well.

“I’ll be looking forward to that”

“Oh and Zayn?” Jade rushed before Zayn said anything else

“Mhmmm?” he asked curiously

“Why don’t you just hang out with my brother? I’m sure you two will become really good friends” she finished hopeful and Zayn considered it for a second

“Ummm… okay, sure, why not?”

Jade gave Zayn Harry’s number, but Zayn just put the paper in one of his drawers deciding that he didn’t need a friend at the moment.

He stood up and went at the window, looking at the beautiful view in front of him. The streets stretched bellow him along with the other tall buildings that gave the city a spectacular view. He saw the many trademark red buses and other cars pass in front of him as he thought about Jade.

He had a good feeling about her, he thought that there actually was something… he thought he was finally ready for another relationship after his failed one which ended about six months ago.

He watched people walk on the side walk, some of the rushing and some of them walking slowly, enjoying the rare English January sun that was shining slightly on the somewhat clear sky.


It was the second day of the second term at the university, and Zayn had searched for Jade. He had tried to call her, but every time he tried, it would say that the number wasn’t available. He went to the office and asked for her, saying that he had found something that belonged to ‘Jade Thrilwall’, but they told her that she wasn’t attending the school anymore.

Imaginary Lover ...  - Zarry Stylik ✔️Where stories live. Discover now