11- This should not happen!

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Zayn hasn't seen Harry since the evening of the 'almost kiss' or whatever it was. It has been a week now. He was too embarassed to face him just right now.

He hasn't seen Liam either because he was too busy doing who knows what. So he didn't know what to do. He was alone again.

So he thought that he could call Jade for a chat.

So he dialed her number and waited for an answer.

"Hello?" her voice sounded through the phone.

"Hi Jade. It's me, Zayn. How's life in the U.S.A?" he asked.

"Uh, hi Zayn, it's been a while! Life here is pretty good. How are you? Are there any news?"

He thought for a moment wether to tell Jade or not what happend last week. He decided to tell her.

"Well, I'm Liam's best friend now, but it's a week that I don't see him, he is 'busy' or at least it is what he says. Anyway, it isn't this the real news now.."

"Ah no?! and which is? Tell me please!" she asked with a lot of curiosity in her voice.

"Yeah, yeah, calm down Jade. I'm telling you" he chuckled.  "Well, you know, last week Liam and I had to watch a movie or something at his, but he told me he was busy and to go to his house and wait for him for an half an hour. So that's his and Harry's house so Harry was there. At the start he was being all grumpy. But then I convinced him to try and talk to me. So he told that something wrong was happening with Liam, I told him to don't worry and I hugged him and..." he took a breath " ... and we almost kissed."

"You what?!" Jade coughed "Oh my God, I knew you liked him, but I thought Harry hated you!"

"Jade I don't like him" he lied " besides nothing happened."

"Yes Zayn, keep telling you this. You always liked him. I know you liked him since you bought that picture"

He sighed "Ok, maybe you are right. But as you said he hates me and he has a boyfriend wich happens to be my bestfriend, so it's impossible"

"Oh Zaynie, nothing is impossible! At least ask him out as a friend and get to know eachother." she proposed.

"Mmh, maybe you are right. But how can I do it? He will never accept."

She started to loose her temper "Oh c'mon Zayn, I know my brother better than anyone else. Trust he won't be able to resist you. Call him and aks him if he wants to do anything. I'll give you his number."

"Thank you so much Jade. But what about Liam? I can't do this to him." he asked.

"You are not going to ask him to be his boyfriend, God. And I have a feeling Liam won't be a problem. Harry told me that they don't really see eachother even if they live in the same house and I think something bad will happen between them. Anyways,  I have to go. See you soon Zayn!"

"Bye Jade, thank you!" and she put off the phone.

Now he had Harry's number. He wasn't so sure if calling him was the best idea, but he got over is thoughts and called him.

"Hello?" his deep voice sounded through the phone.

"Harry? I'm Zayn. How are you doing?" He asked a bit unsure.

"Not so fine. But who gave you my number?"

"Your sister. Why not so fine?"

"It's always her. I don't want to talk about it. At least not at the phone" the curly haired boy mumbled.

"Well, what do you think if we hang out somewhere and you tell me?"

"I don't know if it's a good idea ..."

"Please Harry, give me a chance!"

Harry thought about it for  a bit and answered "Ok, but I will decide where to go."

"Sounds perfectly fine to me. See you in ten at your house" Zayn smiled widely.

"Ok I'm sensing Liam, then I'll try to be ready for when you are here. Bye!"

"You better be! See you!" he chuckled and he hung up.

Zayn was very happy, at least he could try to be friend with Harry and discover what's happening between him and his best friend.

He started to dress up and when he finished he got out of his house and leaned towards Harry and Liam's house.

Soo, Hello! I know it is horrible and short, but I felt like I needed to update. Besides it is just a ride chapter. I already have ideas for the next chapter. There will be some ZARRY MOMENTS and a little bit of DRAMA. Yeaah I like drama, and this kind of drama I have in my head will change completely the story ehehheheheh. Maybe it will help Zarry to get together, Who knows!
Sorry if there are some grammar or spelling mistakes, but as you know, I'm not english but Italian Lol.
If you don't mind lets go check the last update of "Over Again" another story of mine.
I have some ideas for a new story tell me if you want to know them.
I also started to put quotes as you asked me to.
I know nothing really happened here and that is a really shitty chapter, but I hope you liked it at least a little bit!


Love ya all. See you soon!

-Alee xx

Imaginary Lover ...  - Zarry Stylik ✔️Where stories live. Discover now