Chapter 14 - I Like You

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Why did Liam have to mess it up this bad? Now Harry had to be really shaken and broken. First the kiss and then he found out that his boyfriend and the so claimed love of his life was cheating on him.

Zayn tried to go to Harry's mum place, like Liam suggested, but he wasn’t there and talking to his mum has been the most akward thing ever.

But now he didn't know where to go. He didn't realise it before, but he actually cared a lot about Harry. He cared that much that he would look for him for the whole city and he couldn't think of what he would do without him.

He was casually waliking im front of the park where he kissed Harry a few hours before, when he saw a curly haired lad sit on a bench near the entrance with his head in his hands.

'Oh Gosh it has to be Harry ' Zayn thought to himself. Now he didn't know what to do. If he went to sit next to him on the bench, what he could possibly say to him? He just couldn't go there and say 'Hey Harry, I know that Liam aka the love of your  life cheated on you, do you want to talk about that and maybe be my boyfriend?' Oh no, absolutely not!

Zayn huffed and decided to just go for it without thinking that much about it.

So he headed towards the curly haired boy and set down on the bench next to him.

Harry didn't flinch for a moment, almost if he didn’t even realise that the raven haired boy was next to him.

"Harry..." Zayn said.

Harry didn't say anything. Zayn sighed and understood that Harry wasn’t ready to talk.

They stayed that way for a little bit when Harry started to sob quitely.

Zayn stayed there thinking about what he had to do for a few seconds when he decided to lean in and hug Harry. Because it like Harry needed it. Who wouldn't want an hug in situations like this?

Harry put his head in the crock of Zayn’s neck and Zayn rubbed his back.

They stayed like this for like ages.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Zayn asked the most stupid question he could ever ask.

"I trusted him, Zayn. I trusted him with all my heart." Harry said through his sobs.

"I know, Harry."

"I loved him. I loved him so much."

Zayn sighed "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I am not. If he didn’t do what he did, I wouldn't have realised something else." Harry said still crying.


"I don't know if I'm ready to tell you, Zayn. Is that I'm still confused." Harry stopped to cry and finally raised up his head. So his green, mnow reddish from the crying, eyes were now looking straight into Zayn's golden one.

Zayn didn't know what to say.

After a few minutes he said "Harry, even if we started with the wrong foot, you should have realised that you can trust me and that I would never judge you!"

"I know, but I'm not sure that you want to know this."

"Just tell me" Zayne pleaded.

"Do you really want to know?" Harry said leaning in so their faces were just a few inches apart.

"Yes please" the raven haired lad breathed out.

"I think I like you. Yes, I definiltely like you ... more than just a friend."

Sooo sorry for the long wait and for the most horrible chapter ever. But I was and I still am in a major writers block. Ugh I'm an horrible author, I know.
I still hope hou liked just a little little little little bit this chapter.
Well I'm thinking to start a story of mine after I finish this one and since It's a story I write from the start it'll be better than this one.
So do you want it to be a Zarry or a Zouis? Comment below.
I'll try to update for the end of this week. If you have any suggestions for the next chapter please comment or message me and tell me.

bye, love you all


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