Chapter 12- 'Liam would never do that'

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So Zayn was in front of Liam and Harry's house since about 5 minutes. He wasn't too sure anymore if he wanted to pass an entire afternoon with Harry. What if Harry is going to hate him more then he already did?

"Stop it, you idiot!Stop thinking and knock on this stupid door!" he

muttered to himself.

So he took a big breathe and when he was about to knock  the door was opened by an annoyed and at the same time amused Harry.

"How long were you going to wait for knocking on a door?" He chuckled.

Zayn instantaneously felt so stupid, he wanted to punch himself so bad.

"I ..... I'm .... eehm...." he stuttered.

The curly haired boy laughed and let him in.

"Ok, I'll change the subject. So, how long are we going to stay out? I have to tell Liam"

"Mh I don't know, I was thinking about going to the cinema to see 'The Great Beauty' and it'll finish at 6 pm more or less. I don't know if after that you want to do anything else or  if you want to come back home".

"Oh the Italian film that won an Oscar last night, yeah I would like to see it! After that I would like to go for a walk. I'll tell Liam that we'll be back for 7 or 8 pm. Is it ok for you?" Harry asked a bit unsure.

"It sounds perfect!" Zayn answered smiling while Harry went calling Liam.

Well he chose to go to see a film so they would not have to talk that much and they would not have problems. But Harry said that he wanted to stay with him also after the movie and this made him so so happy and excited.

Harry came back and said "So, are we going?"

"Yeah, sure!"

So they exited the house and went to the cinema. Zayn didn't let Harry pay for anything despite his many complaints. They had a really good time and the movie was really good.

"So did you like the film?" Zayn asked to start a conversation.

"Yes. it was really good!" Zayn just nodded at this.

"So were would you like to go now?"

"There is a park near here. Shall we go there?" Harry asked.

"Why not?" and they started to lean towards the park. When they arrived there they set on a bench and Zayn started talking.

"Shall we play 20 questions?"

"Yeah, after all we have to get to know each other!" Harry smiled.

"Weel, I'll start. What's your favourite colour?"

Harry chuckled "Is that really a question? My favourite colour?"

Zayn just shrugged "Just answer."

"OK, I think it's orange, yours?" Harry answered.

"Mhh I don't have a favourite colour. It's your turn now."

"Well you are not native to London, right?Where are you from?"

"Bradford" Zayn simply answered.

"Cool. I could have just guessed from your accent" he laughed.

They continued this way for a bit and they discovered lots of thing about each other.

"So how did you met my sister?" Harry suddenly asked.

"Well I was at one of her exhibition in Bradford. I really liked a painting and I bought it and we talked for a bit. The day after that a I went back there with my mom and I bought other things and I also donated her some money. You know your sister and I attend the same university but we didn't really talk. I never thought she was that nice and cool!"

"That are some of her qualities" he chuckled "But did you really like her?"

Zayn thought about it for a bit "Well at the start I really liked her, but then I realised that I liked another person. But then again she went to the USA and now we are just good firend. Actually I think she is my best friend, besides Liam of course!"

At the word 'Liam', Harry looked down and it seemed like he was about to cry.

Zayn leaned towards Harry and said "Hey, is everything ok?"

The curly haired boy sobbed a bit and said " Liam is being really distant. He's never at home and when he is there it's like he isn't. Then is always on his phone and he never tells who he is going out with. I'm starting to think he is cheating on me" then he started crying and hugged Zayn putting his head in the crock of his neck.

Zayn rubbed his back and said "Oh Liam would never do that. I know him. Maybe he is just having a bad period, everything is going to be okay, trust me. And then if he is really cheating on you, it is his loss.It'll mean that he does not deserve someone as perfect as you and that I'll kill him with my hands"

Harry quickly pulled away from the hug and stared into Zayn's eyes "Did you just say I'm ... perfect?"

The dark haired boy coughed a bit and slapped himself mentally "What? No!"

"Yeah you said that!" Harry smirked "Anyway, the problem it's not only Liam. Is that I think I'm starting to like another person and this is just so wrong. I'm wrong, everything I do it's wrong. I always finish ruining everything." he looked down again.

Zayn put a finger under his chin and raised it. "Don't say that to yourself, please. It's not your fault."

Now they were staring into each other eyes and they unconsciously started to lean in. They were really near and they could feel  each other breathes on each other mouths and they knew what was going to happen. They knew that it was wrong but they didn't care at that moment. They just couldn't stop staring into each other eyes. So it happened.

They kissed.

It wasn't an heated kiss or anything. They just stayed there enjoying the fireworks they both felt when their lips touched. It felt so right, but at the same time they knew it was so wrong.

But suddenly Harry realised how wrong it really was and immediately pulled away.

"What did we just do?" he asked shocked and then he started to run towards his house without Zayn chasing him as he was to shocked to do it. Oh God he could not believe at what happened. But the thing he could not believe the most is that he actually liked it. What was happening to him?

He arrived at his house and he entered it. He just hoped Liam was not there, he felt like he couldn't face him just right now. But as soon as he got into the house he heard some moans coming from the bedroom. He hoped it wasn't what he thought. He rushed towards the bedroom and opened the door scared of what he could see. As he did it he found Liam half naked snogging a blonde guy.

Yeah Zayn, you got it right 'Liam would never do that'. And he felt tears streaming down his face.

Sooo THEY FINALLY KISSED, but oh Harry ran away and Liam actually cheated on Harry :((. Sorry this story needed some drama. But dont you think Zarry's kiss was just too cute?

Also sorry if I didn't update for so long but school is actually killing me ugh. Sorry if this chapter sucks but you wanted Zarry and I gave you Zarry.

Did you like it at least a little bit? Please say yes LOL

I'm also sorry for quoting 'The Great Beauty' but it is an italian film and it won an oscar yesterday evening and I'm just soooo proud and happy. And as I am italian and NOT english sorry if there are spelling or grammar mistakes

Well LOVE YOU ALL! ♡♥♡♥♡♥

-Ale ♡

Imaginary Lover ...  - Zarry Stylik ✔️Where stories live. Discover now