Chapter 8 - As bad as i thought

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Zayn tapped his foot against the carpeted floor, sitting on the olive green couch facing the tv which was drowning the whispering conversation between the couple just in the other room.

His elbows rested on his knees while his hands dangled down as he took deep breaths. He was alone in the room but he was feeling extremely awkward. He knew that Liam and Harry were having a discussion, probably about him and he sure didn’t feel good.

He also couldn’t get over the fact that Harry was real. The boy from the fucking tableau wasn’t painted out of jade’s mind. She painted her step brother! How didn’t he think of that?

Harry was even more beautiful in person. If he had thought that the tableau Harry was flawless, real Harry was absolutely perfect. He still couldn’t get over the angry expression on Harry’s face when the elevator doors opened.

His jaw was clenched; his hair was styled slightly up, showing a vein on the side of his head and not to mention the veins on his neck. His pinkish lips were pursed in a thin line, and his eyes… oh god how Zayn adored the color of those green eyes, they were wide and looked like they would pop out of their sockets.

The innocent look on Harry’s face on the tableau was completely different from the angry Harry but for some reason Zayn found it so sexy. His brain couldn’t process the things happening around him at that very moment when he first laid eyes on Harry.

He wasn’t drunk or high so the theory that he was hallucinating failed. He didn’t know what else could be happening and when Liam started interacting with the boy, he caught up in the conversation and he finally realized what was happening.

He never imagined Harry’s voice so deep and raspy as it was, but it fitted him well. He just couldn’t stop staring at the younger boy.

“It’s almost midnight and you’re bringing him to your flat?” Harry’s voice echoed through Zayn’s ears and he felt even more awkward standing there as the couple practically fought. He instinctively stood up and with large steps left the living room, heading down the hallway to the door.

Unfortunately the kitchen had a glass wall that separated it from the living room and Zayn’s back was previously facing it, so Harry and Liam saw when he made his move to leave.

Liam followed Zayn and caught him right before he opened the door and left for good. He grabbed the slightly older boy by the wrist and turned him around.

“Don’t leave” he said his voice demanding but soft at the same time. Zayn bit his lip and lifted his head up, his eyes meeting Liam’s before shifting his gaze and locking eyes with the taller boy at the other end of the corridor.

Zayn shivered as the dreams he had had the previous nights came to the front of his head. Liam was still griping his wrist so the thought of disappearing wasn’t an option. He didn’t want to disappoint Liam but he didn’t want to ruin his relationship with Harry either.

The whole situation was so awkward.

“I don’t want Harry to hate me more than he already does, and I think you two need to talk” Zayn said looking at Liam again

Imaginary Lover ...  - Zarry Stylik ✔️Where stories live. Discover now