chapter 6

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They didn't let me leave the hospital for three days but finally they let me go. I have a couple cracked ribs, a badly bruised back and face and I am underweight so Landon's parents have strict orders on fattening me up.

 I didn't know how I felt about living with Landon. A whole bunch of feelings were going through me at one time. I was happy and excited but then i was nervous and angry.

We haven't even talked about the whole mate thing since the bathroom scene. I don't know what I want to do honestly. I mean I get that were mates but I never sat down and thought about how it would be to be with someone or have a mate. I haven't had a boyfriend since seventh grade. I don't know what I'm going to do and at this moment it's at the bottom of my to-do list.

When we pull up to his house, he helped me out of his car. I was still pretty sore especial being stuck in a bed for three days. When we got inside he took me to the living room.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to go get my parents and introduce you guys." I nodded and he left the room.

I looked around, it was pretty big. The ceiling curved upward with wooden pilings holding it in place. There was a leather couch against the windows and a chair placed by the fireplace. There were three bookcases lining the wall, not all had books on the shelves. Some had pictures or little nick-knacks. Above the fireplace was a little shelf that had pictures lining it. I stood up slowly and walked over to them. There were some with Landon and a woman with auburn hair. Then some with a dark haired man that could be Landon in twenty years. I looked all down the line and couldn't help smiling at some.

I heard them before I saw them and I turned around. The same man and women from the photos stood before me. The women stepped forward and stuck out her hand. I took hers in mine and she said, "It's very nice to meet you Aubrey. You can stay as long as you want to. I'm Jane, Landon's mother and this is Elliot, his father." She said with a warm smile.

"Thank you. It's very nice of you guys to let me stay. You have a very beautiful home." I told her, giving one of my own rare smiles.

She smiled even bigger. "Thank you, it's been in the family for years." She lopped her arm with mine. "Now, you must be hungry. Hospital food is not good at all." She said making a face.

I smiled. "It was awful."

She laughed and pulled me out of the room, into a huge kitchen. "Now what would you like? I can cook anything. Landon is barely here anymore so I don't cook big meals as often but I could."

"No that won't be necessary, anything will do." I reassured her.

She nods and turns to the fridge. "How's a ham sandwich?"

"That's perfect but I can make it."

"No don't be ridicules. You're the guest." She insisted.

She made me the sandwich and showed me where the room I would be staying in. She left me alone so I could shower, change and eat in peace. When I got done I felt like crashing on the bed and sleeping forever. Instead I found the TV room and lay down on the couch watching a movie.

I woke up and looked around. The TV was off and there was a blanket lying on top of me. Awe, London's mother is so sweet. I pulled back the blanket and walked to the room I would be staying in, but the light was off and it was pitch dark.

I didn't want to turn on the light because I would just have to turn if off anyways so I felt my way to the bed and fell down on it. I snuggled into the pillow and sighed. Then I felt an arm go around my back and pull me into something solid and warm. I tried to squirm out of the hold but it was to strong.

my life as Aubrey (currently being edited)Where stories live. Discover now