chapter 7

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I was still in the room I'm staying in and still as confused as ever. I don't know why I flipped out at Landon like that. Okay, okay, I know why I did but still. I groan and fall back on the bed. Why can't everything be simple? I sit back up and walk over to the bag I stuffed my clothes in. I grab my P.J's and walked to the bathroom that is attached to the room. I turned on the shower and stripped out of my clothes and looked at my stomach and back.

The bruises seem like their fading, their at the last stage of healing. I get into the shower and I took my time washing my hair scrubbing my body, enjoying th hot water. When I was done I got dressed and walked back into my room. My stomach rumbled and I realized it's been awhile since I ate. I stuck my head out of the door and looked both ways when I didn't see anyone, I slowly walked down the hall and stepped into the kitchen.

I looked around but no one was here and I looked down the hallway but didn't see anyone coming so I made my way to the fridge and as quietly as possible I made a sandwich. When I was done I picked up my mess and sat at the island and ate my sandwich.

Well until someone came up behind me. "What are you doing?" Landon asked.

I jumped and got down. "I'm sorry; I just wanted something to eat. I'll go." I turned to go but he stopped me.

"It's fine. You can eat. And if you feel hungry, you can always come and make something to eat. Just remember to make two because that sandwich looks really good."

I nodded. "I'll remember that."

He smiled. "I was joking, Aubrey."


He frowned at me but didn't say anything more. He walked over to the fridge and I got back up on the stool. I slowly began to eat my sandwich again. "So I'm having some friends over to watch movies and hang out, you want to join us?" He asked pulling out a pop can.

I hesitated. It's been a long time since I 'hanged out' with anyone. "Um, sure." I finally said.

"Cool. They'll be here pretty soon; we'll be in the TV room, okay?" He said heading towards the hallway.

I nodded and he turned and left. I watched him leave and the nerves set in, this is a bad idea.


I finally got up the nerve to go to the TV room. Landon's friends have been here for about forty-five minutes and I didn't know if I should go or not. I knew he was offering to be nice so I didn't want to interrupt anything or intrude. And usually when I did that at home, well you know what happened. I slowly walked up to the doorway to the TV room and peeked inside. The couch and chairs were filled and some places on the floor were too.

I was about to turn around, I didn't know there was going to be that many people but of course I should of seen that coming, when Landon's voice stopped my escape. "Aubrey, come on in."

I froze and waited for the yelling but it didn't come, just a lot of staring. I walked into the room and walked over to an empty spot on the floor. I looked at the TV and saw they were watching a scary movie. It's been a while since I watched a movie let alone a new one.

Towards the end everyone started to get bored. They started to talk amongst each other and some girls even crawled on some of the guy's laps. I slowly got up and wanted to make a quit getaway but again Landon saw me.

Does this guy miss anything? He grabbed my hand and I so wanted to ignore the feeling that I got when he touched me, he pulled me down beside him on the couch. "And where are you going that is so much better than here?" He asked with a teasing smile.

"Nowhere special just thinking that you would want to hang out with your friends."

"And you can't be one of them?"

"Well I didn't know I was..." I trailed off not knowing where this was going.

"Do you really think I would do this if I didn't like you?" He asked tilting his head to the side.

"You already told me you would." I pointed out.

"True." He smiled.

"Well I know you're only doing this because you feel obligated so I'm trying not to over stay my welcome." I told him playing with my hands.

He looked at me and said softly so we can only hear, "Do you really think I'm only doing this because I feel obligated?"

I swallowed and nodded slowly. "It's called pity, Landon."

 I saw hurt then anger pass through his eyes making me jump up, dodging out of the way of the swing. Once I realized what I did, I walked out as quickly as possible. When I was sure no one would see me I ran the rest of the way to my room and closed the door behind me. I sat down on the bed and tried to calm my breathing. Did I really think Landon would hit me?

Well I never thought my father would hit me either, look where that got me.


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