Chapter 23

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okay, here's the next chapter and it seemed my idea for the last one worked so, that's good.

i'll stop talking now so you can read.....

"Landon, we have to talk." I heard Kate say. I heard the door shut and then there was silence. i peaked over my shoulder and saw Kate looking at me. She looked back over at Landon and said, "Something happened. Okay, I thought it would be a good idea to take Aubrey out, you know so she can take a break but everything got out of hand. she started to down a lot of drinks then dancing with random guys. Then i saw her go upstairs with a guy and i..." She trailed off putting a hand over her mouth where a sob escaped.

I turned around rolling my eyes. you know what? i'm sick of this. i'm sick of eveyone walking all over me! i'm done sitting here crying hoping everthing will be okay. i'm going to make it okay.

I turned around, crossing my arms over my chest taking a step closer. "And why didn't you stop me, Kate?" I asked her walking over to them.

She paused for a moment looking over at Landon who shrugged. "I was a little shocked. All i could think was that i couldn'tbelieve it and i had to get heer fast so Landon could stop you."

I nodded. "Okay, then how did i beat you here?" I asked her.

She looked at Landon and said, "I swear, she did go up stairs with a guy, i'm not lieing."

"Oh i didn't say you lied, Kate. I did go up stairs with a guy but my question was if you saw me do it and hurried right over here, how did i beat you? why didnt you stop me? why did you sit back and watch me throw back drink after drink? why didn't you warn me what could happen, when we pulled up to that party in the first place?" I asked. Out of the corner of my eye i saw Landon start to smile.

"I...I thought...I dont have to answer to you. who knows what you did?" She said.

"She's right. Why didn't you, Kate?" Landon asked walking up next to me.

Kate took a step back. "i tried." She said defensively.

"Okay, then why didnt you say that before?" Landon asked.

"I don't know." she said.

I shook my head. "Enough, Kate. Tell the truth." i said.

"I am telling the truth, Aubrey. Your the one that is lieing to keep Landon with you." She said back.

"Why would i lie to him? Why would i lie to keep someone with me? So the relationship is a lie? No, Kate that's you."

"i'm not lieing. Landon, she cheated on you. Why would you want to stay with her?" Kate asked him.

"Because, she came straight to me and told me what she did. I saw the guilt all over her face. She's a better person then i will ever be." He said while looking at me.

I smiled up at him and looked over at Kate. She had fire in her eyes, she stomped her foot and made a frustrated noise that was between a animal dieing and a shriek. "I hate you! 2 years, 2years we dated and one day you notice her and it's all over between us! it's unfair."

"That's right and your just going to have to get use to it because there's no way i am ever going to break up with, Aubrey." Landon said wrapping his arm around my waist.

"you better not." i whispered back. "you can leave now." i said to Kate.

she narrowed her eyes at me and i smiled. she walked out slamming the door behind her.

"i'm so proud of you." He whispered, kissing my forehead.

"You do believe me, right?" i asked him, turning to face him.

"Yeah, i do. i wish it didn't happen but Kate should have stopped you or warned you are something. i wish i was there, you've never been to one i should have been there."

"i didn't even know where we were going. She just said we were going out. If she did tell me, i would have never went." i told him.

"I believe you." He smiled but then it faded. "But i am not liking that smell."

I frowned in confusion. I bent my head to smell me but i didn't smell anything. "I don't smell anything."

"I can smell him on you." I heard a low growl build up in him.

"I'll just go take a shower." I said.

"Good idea. Here." He said and walked over grabbing shorts and a shirt for me.

I took them and walked into his bathroom to take a shower.

when i got out, Landon wasn't in his room so i walked over to his TV putting in a movie and lay down in his bed. A few minutes later i heard the door open then a set of arms wrapped around my waist bringing me up against his chest.Ii smiled to myself. I am so glade that he believed me and i have no idea what i would have done is he didn't believe me.

He kissed the back of my neck and I sighed in content.

I turned on my back and looked up at him and said, "Landon, mark me?" I asked.

He looked down at me for a moment. "Are you sure?" He asked.

I nodded and kissed him lightly on the lips. He lowered his mouth where my neck met my shoulder and kissed it then bit down. At first it hurt but the pain turned into pleasure making a moan escape me.

When he was done, he licked the bite which sent a shiver threw me.

he rested his forehead against mine and whispered, "I love you."

I smiled a shy smile and said, "I love you, too." I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing his lips back to mine.

soooooo? what do you think? Sorry it's so short but you guys wanted me to update so here it is.

comment, vote and fan!

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