Chapter 6: A New Day

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  The room was silent, besides Rob's sobbing over Vikk's body. Everyone else was also mourning as well, it was the only thing they could do. Lachlan's adrenaline drained and his arm started to hurt badly, but Lachlan stood tall for Vikk. They were mourning for what seemed hours, and they needed to hide from K.C. before he kills them all. Jerome couldn't stand to see Rob lose another friend, and so he walked over to Rob.

"Rob ,let's go." Jerome said.

  Rob was surprised to see Jerome by his side. He raised his head to meet Jerome's eyes. His face filled with tears streaming down his cheeks. He knew he couldn't stay forever, and so he nodded to Jerome. He wiped his face with his sleeve from tears and snot. He stood up and joined the remaining group. 

"Rob, keep it together. Vikk needs you to stay strong." Lachlan said.

  Rob nodded at him and he stood tall.

"First things first, we need a new room and a splint for Lachlan's arm." Mitch said, taking command.

"Well you have guests room, so we can take refuge there." Jerome stated.

"I know how to make a splint. I just need a stick and some bandages." Rob said.

"Looks like we are already on a good path." Mitch said enthusiastically.

"But my sword is still stuck on the wall." Lachlan said turning back to the sword.

"Don't worry, we'll pull that out soon." Jerome said.

  And with that the group grabs the remaining food, swords, and extracts Lachlan's sword from the wall. Mitch leads the group to the next room, which is smaller from his own. The room had a lush carpet with a small bed and a window. The room was bare and nothing to offer, but it was all they had. So they set down there things on the mattress.

"Ahh, my arm is killing me." Lachlan said wincing.

"Don't worry I'll just get what Rob needs to make the splint." Mitch said heading back to the hallway.

"I'm coming with you, benja." Jerome said walking to Mitch with his sword and Mitch's.

  Mitch turns back to Jerome to grab his sword, and to allow Jerome to walk aside him. Rob closed the door behind them ,and they hear the click of lock. The bathroom was just across the hall ,but they needed to be prepared  for K.C. Once at the bathroom, Jerome stood guard at the door as Mitch rummaged through cabinets for what Rob needed.

"Do you need help ,Mitch?" Jerome asks from the doorway.

"No ,I just need to find the bandages." Mitch replies.

  After a few cabinets, Mitch found the bandages and runs back to Jerome who is okay. Jerome nods at him, and they go back to the room. Safely on the other side, Jerome knocks on the door so Rob knows it's them. They hear the click of the lock and Rob opens the door for them. They come in and Rob grabs the supplies from Mitch to tend to Lachlan. Rob broke the stick the length of Lachlan's forearm. He places the stick on his fore arm and wraps the bandages around the stick and his arm. 

"There, it's still gonna hurt but it will heal properly." Rob said after getting up.

"Thanks Dr.Rob." Lachlan said comediacly.

  Lachlan had a few snickers in response, and then the group went back to silence. Mitch and Jerome would chat but go back to silence after a bit. K.C. didn't bother them for the rest of the day, but they would here a few clanks of metal hitting metal. The group went to sleep with Mitch on the floor and everyone else on the bed.


  The morning was silent, no birds ,no snores, and no creaking of floor boards. The entire group slept in trying to avoid their fate. But they had to wake up eventually ,dreary and gloomy. The first to awake just had some food and just sat on the floor, waiting for others to wake. Once everyone was awake ,they sat opposite from each other and talked.

"So what should we do now?" Lachlan asked.

"We have to wait, we have nothing else to do." Jerome replied.

"But sitting and waiting could just bring our deaths closer." Rob stated.

"What do you suggest we do? Walk out and let K.C. kill us all?" Jerome said rudely.

"Jerome ,calm down." Mitch said reaching for his shoulder.

"Jerome, you're not the only one in danger, we all are." Lachlan said.

  Jerome takes a breather then apologizes to Rob.

"Don't worry about it bro, I would've said the same thing." 

  They end their conversation there, and they went to do there own thing in the room. Lachlan slept a bit more, Mitch occupied himself to clean the swords with his shirt. Jerome looks out the window with Rob, both yearning for freedom from this hell. They all had the same thing on their minds, K.C. right behind the door. 

Knock knock.

  Mitch, Jerome, and Rob turn to see a note under the door. They all knew it was from K.C. and they wondered it was a trap. To lure them to the door and kill them the same way he did to Preston. They looked at eachother wondering what to do. Soon Mitch decided to get the note with a sword. Mitch had a sword reaching out to the note, trying to stay as far from the door as possible. The sword pierced the note and Mitch pulled the sword back. He plucked the note from the sword's tip, and motioned for the other two to join him. Jerome and Rob sat on either side of Mitch so he could read it to them.

  "Well looks like there is only four more to kill, and one of them injured. That one will be an easy kill, but I want a challenge. Well either kill I get will bring me closer to be the winner. I just wanted to say I'm surprised you are all still alive. I could've killed you the instant you walked in ,but it wouldn't be fun. Well I'm waiting for a perfect opurtunity to kill. The injured one I hope leaves the room, I would love a talk with him. I won't kill him ,I just want a talk." Mitch finished reading the note.

"I just want to say if he comes out by himself, he'll come back as he had left." K.C. yelled from behind the door.

  He surprised everyone and even woke Lachlan. Mitch, Jerome, and Rob were frozen in fear of the note. Lachlan got up to see their terrified faces and they saw his confused expression. They didn't want to tell him what they heard.

"What's that in your hand ,Mitch?" Lachlan asked rubbing his eyes.

  It was too late for them to hide the note, so unwillingly Mitch handed Lachlan the note. Lachlan read it over and looked up ,his face in horror.

"There is no way that psycho would think I would leave to talk." Lachlan said, nearly crumpling the note.

"But he said he won't harm you." Rob said matter-of-fact.

"Would you believe him, he is aiming to kill us all."Lachlan said gripping the mattress.

"I wouldn't, but he could talk to you about his plan of who to kill." Mitch stated.

"But I could be the next to die!"

"If you do talk to him take the sword, at least live a bit longer." Jerome said.

"Okay ,I will talk to him, but if I die I blame you all." Lachlan said giving in.

"If you don't die and get valuable info, then you have to thank us." Jerome said.

"Fine." Lachlan mumbled.

  He swung his legs to the side of the bed, and got up. He couldn't believe they wanted him to talk to that psycho. But he could understand why, they wanted an advantage on K.C. and he could see himself doing the same thing.

"But I have a broken arm." Lachlan said whining. 

"Your as good on the sword with your left." Mitch stated.

  Lachlan's head hung for his next action. He woke from a peaceful nap and now he's going to talk to a murderer. What a fine day.

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