Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


Annabell POV


Awkward, hear-a-pin-drop silence.

My gaze hasn’t let Avan’s since we spoke those mind boggling words.

Despite the severity of those words, I don’t regret voicing them. I don’t take them back.

They’re out there now- we both uttered them. We both want the same thing, so why the hell is this so damn uncomfortable?

Grow a pair Nannie!

Open your mouth and talk!

“Avan-“I whisper.

“Shhh… I know it wasn’t romantic… how either of us had ever planned a proposal. Please let me try again? Would you do that?” Avan clasps my hands in his, holding them tightly, as if praying.

I nod shyly, with a smile playing on my lips.

Taking a deep shaky breath, Avan lets go of my hands and gently lowers himself from the wheelchair in which he sits; I attempt to protest, to stop him from causing unneeded pain from his injuries but he just shakes his head at me, continuing with his descent.

Kneeling down on one bruised knee, exposed by his hospital gown, Avan looks up into my eyes as he once again takes my left hand into his. The only difference this time is that his once still, calm figure is now vibrating, reverberating onto my skin at contact.

Is this it?

Everything that has happened rushes through my brain; Ricky, Jason and Avan; my pain, heartbreak, suffering, abuse… but shadowing all those memories, all that trauma, the blinding light of happiness, beauty, love and craving I experienced with Avan… he is my blinding light, the light at the end of the tunnel… my sun.

I am Icarus, and I don’t care if I get burnt; as long as I get to kiss his soft lips once more…

Masochistic, I know, but I no longer care.

Ricky is out of my life, as is Jason.

I belong to Avan; my heart, body and mind.

“Annabell Stephanie Adora Tryst, you captured me from the moment I set eyes on you. You take my breath away and surprise me at every turn; proving yourself not only a stunning, intelligent woman, but a strong, powerful and determined. I am in awe of you every day, and can’t help but fall for you more and more every time I look into those beautiful eyes of yours.

I know I may have added to the drama of your life over the past few months, but I hope to god I have also added to your happiness and been a reason why you smile again. I vow now and forever- as long as you’ll have me, I will do everything in my power to be the reason you smile. I promise to stand by you in all your dreams, your troubles, and love you no matter what happens. I am yours Nannie, I can only ask…

Would you do me the greatest honour, and agree to spend your life with me by your side?”

Ok, that was the most incredibly beautiful speech I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing in my entire life!

Oh! Avan!

Just as I open my mouth, I feel a tear trickle from my cheek over my lip. I didn’t even realise I had started crying. I was so hypnotised by Avan’s declaration; I lick my lips to remove the salt water and try to speak again, but the expanding lump in my throat makes it near impossible,

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