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Chapter 24

Annabell POV

One after the other, I stuff triple chocolate and cream truffles into my mouth, lying on the comfy sun lounger beside the ginormous swimming pool, my skin soaking up the rays of sun.

I could hear a delighted giggle coming from the direction of the villa, and the loud laughing voice of my wonderful husband,

“Put your swimming trunks back on you little rascal!”

I smirk and shake my head, rolling my eyes; typical Jordan wanting to strip off his clothing like always! That’s my son!

“Come back here!” Avan laugh- shouts, and a running shadow zooms passed me, and I’m covered in water droplets from a giant splash made by my son in the pool.

Sitting up quickly, I watch as Avan, clutching a tiny pair of swimming trunks, runs and jumps into the pool, covering me in more water. The water lands on my stomach, and a strong kick alerts me to my unborn baby girl’s stirring.

I am currently 6 months pregnant with our second child, a little girl that we have named Kayla; Jordan is currently five years old, and the cheekiest little lad I have ever met. A spitting image of his father with my stubborn temperament and cheekiness, Jordan is my sunshine and together with his father, the reason for my recovery and positive outlook on life.

Ever since the dramatic start to our relationship, Avan and I have gone from strength to strength. Yes we have our typical married couple arguments about money, work and how we want to raise our children, but we work through it. We have been through so much more, much worse situations than anything we have encountered since.

Suddenly, the truffles that I gobbled decide they don’t want to stay in my stomach, and I lurch up from the sun lounger and rush inside. Throwing myself over the kitchen sink, I empty my stomach.

My pregnancy with Jordan was so much easier than this; I only suffered with morning sickness for the first 16 weeks, but this time… every day! Every single day do I lose something I’ve eaten. It’s just not fair.

A hand rubs gently down my back as I calm my breathing, “you ok angel?”

I nod, “yeah, a little. Troublesome little Madame,” I rub my stomach affectionately.

We have been on holiday for the last two weeks, and we return home tomorrow; Carcassonne in the south of France was a beautiful location for our time off work. No drama, no phones, and no interruptions- just some much needed quality time as a family.

The villa we are spending our holiday in is stunning; a gorgeous white stone build with three bedrooms, two baths, a stunning kitchen that I want to steal, and a gorgeous luscious garden with a swimming pool. I am very jealous of the owners, and want to buy this place!

I have been meaning to discuss that idea with Avan, but not sure what he would say.

Just before Jordan was born, Avan and I moved out of his house and bought a place together; we wanted a fresh start with no bad memories clouding our happiness.

It was the best decision we could have made.

I do think a holiday home would be a valuable purchase and a positive addition to our properties. Maybe he’ll see it the same as me?


Being stuck on a plane for three hours is boring, adding into the mix an impatient and stubborn child, a husband that is unable to sit still and my little girl kicking at my bladder like a football just makes it unbearable.

The sooner we’re back, the better.

Then an idea pops into my head,

“Avan… can I discuss something with you?”

“Yup,” he replies, pulling his attention from the film.

“What would you say if I was interested in buying the villa?”

I watch as Avan’s face changes; a lone eyebrow raises, his eyes widen in shock, then his perfect pouted lips turn up into a grin, “I was thinking the exact same thing!” He exclaims.

And that was that.

One happy couple!

Our conversation sprouts off into ideas for the villa, how we would convince the owners to sell, and what we could do with it during the time we don’t spend there. The flight home thankfully passes rapidly, and before I know it, we are home.

Who knew I could miss my home after two weeks away?


Avan POV

I can’t explain how, but god I love Annabell so much more now than when we first got together. I love her so much my heart could explode with the intensity of my feelings for her. The woman of my life, my family, the mother of my child, carrying my little princess, the reason I am who and how I am. The reason I have survived this long.

I admit when we first found out we were to become parents, I was freaked. I was so scared of having children; after my childhood and the failures of parents who raised me, what type of dad would I become? Would I be as successful a father as I am a businessman? Could I live up to expectations set in play by Annabell?

But now all that worrying seems insignificant; from the second Jordan was born, this entirely new side of me exploded, this unconditional love, the need to protect him from everything dangerous in the world, but also this contradicting need to help him learn and explore the world. I took to fatherhood like a duck to water. It felt so natural, I couldn’t deny it.

I feel as though I have a reason in life when I look at my family. They complete me. They make me the man I wanted to become.

I am that man when I am by their side.

Annabell, Jordan and little Kayla; I can’t wait to meet my little princess! We planned Kayla, and were beyond ecstatic when the news arrived that we would be having a daughter. To have a brother taking care of his little sister is just perfect.

Jordan has already become so protective of his mother since we told him the news, and so attentive and loving during tummy-talk time as he calls it; every evening before bed he would sit and read his school book to Kayla, and tell her about his day. It was seriously precious!

Our family is perfect; I have taken the advice of my wonderful wife and therapist and have regular cognitive behavioural therapy sessions together with medication for my bipolar disorder. I have been able to manage my mental conditions and be the best father and husband I can be considering.

Annabell has gotten over the worst of her trauma with some counselling together with our play in the bedroom. Even six years on, we still enjoy exploring our sexual sides, testing limits and Annabell’s threshold.

Also, surprising myself, I do in fact have a submissive side, and love exploring it with my wife, letting her control our sexual sessions. I love feeling her soft skin against mine as she dominates me, rendering me helpless to her addictive aura.

I can’t wait to share my life with the woman I fell in love with at first sight. I can’t wait to grow old with her, support and love her with every fibre of my being.

My wife, my incredibly talented, loving and supportive wife, the woman I stalked in hopes of making her my sub has changed me for the better, helped me move on and become a better man.

From her sexual stalker to her loving husband.

I succeeded when I chose Annabell. 

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