Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Two Million Pounds

Annabell POV

As the tears stream down my bloodied face, I try to picture happy thoughts, Avan’s beautiful face; memories that make me smile, just to keep me slightly sane.

Fidgeting slightly on the cold, hard, wooden floor, I flinch in pain as the harsh rope chaffs against my wrists; my arms are above my head, tied to something up on the wall. I am restrained, helpless, dizzy with blood loss, and cold. The pain has been numbed by the exhaustion soaking through my limbs.

I try so hard to keep quiet, as to not antagonise Ricky any further; I don’t think my body could handle more pain. I would give in, give up. I know I would.

Looking up around me, I see small windows loitered along the flimsy wall of… is this a boat? Am I in a fucking boat? Seriously Ricky!?

“You sit there and wait little one, I have to go meet lover boy. I want my money.”

I shiver in fear at his voice, the sneering anger lacing every syllable.

“Not like you could go anywhere anyway,” Ricky chuckles, but for good measure I am left choking, gasping for air when his boot makes contact with my ribs; I hear a sharp crack.

Broken ribs, check.

 Breathing hurts!

I am trying so hard to keep conscious that I don’t realise Ricky has left.

The tears are coming harder now that I know Avan is in now in danger. Will he be ok? Will we make it through this?

I didn’t even know Ricky was out of prison!

With a sharp, painful convulsion, I remember back to earlier when Ricky turned up.

“Well hello there beautiful,” a sneer sounds from behind me. It’s him! It’s Ricky!

Spinning around to face him, I gasp, “what are you doing here?”

Ricky just grins, struts straight over and back hands me; I fall into the fireplace behind me, the sudden disturbance causes the photo frames to topple over, and fall to the floor where I am now splayed out on my ass. A sharp bite of pain makes me look down- a shard of glass imbedded deep in my thigh; tears in my eyes.

“Well, I wasn’t expecting that, but the mess just adds to the effect, don’t you think?” Ricky chuckles.

“Why are you doing this Ricky?” I sob, cringing as the blood soaks through my jeans.

“Payback Nannie, payback; you and your precious Avan will get what you deserve.” Those words have me panicked. I don’t know what to say, or do, or how to react; I just stay in the same position, frozen to the spot.


I stare at the dark flooring, covered in shattered glass and broken photo frames, unable to make eye contact with the man that scares me more than anything else in this world.

“Look at me!”

I keep my eyes on the floor.

“LOOK AT ME!” Ricky screamed, making me flinch.

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