1. Goodbye

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"Ugh!" I sigh as I watch Kaylee pack her things. I just can't believe that my bestie is going to leave me, I knew her since I was 12. I'm going to miss her so much.

"Don't be sad babe, I'll call you and Skype you everyday." 

"Yeah but still, I'll miss you..."

"Me too Em." She says giving me a tight hug.


The next day I have to wake up early because I have to go to the wedding of my mother's best friend in Northampton, it's quite far and I have to stay the whole weekend so I can't go to the airport with Kaylee. I tried my best to convince my mother that she didn't need me there but she insisted. I can't ditch her. Kaylee being the perfect best friend she is didn't mind. As this is the last night we're going to spend together, we decide to watch a movie and just talk. No clubs, no alcohol. Just us!

"Sex and the City marathon?" Kaylee asks as I flop into the couch next to her.



"I can't believe that someone else is going to live here." I say my mind drifting away from the movie.

"Don't worry Em I'll choose well."

Kay and I decided that she was going to choose my future roommate. First because I don't want to spend hours with strangers casting them and second because she really insisted on doing it.

"Boy or girl?"

"I don't care... I trust you Kay."

"Really? You shouldn't." Kaylee smiles as I laugh.

It's already 1.00am, it's crazy how time flies.

"We should go to bed Em. Early wake up tomo." Kaylee yawns, I nod following her into her room.

"I'll sleep with you." I say jumping on her bed.

"Sure." I take her in my arms. I don't want to let her go, she's like a sister to me. I'd feel so lost without her. Sad I don't have any choice. I can't keep her with me forever. Letting these bad thoughts go away, I replace them with some topless Ryan Gosling images before falling asleep.


It's already 7.00am. Sucks. I slowly get out of bed and head to the kitchen. I find Kaylee already dressed eating her breakfast. This is the last time I see her since I have to go to the wedding. I give her a tighhhht hug.

"Omg Em I can't breathe!"

"Sorry..." I sigh letting her go "It's just that it's the last time I see you."

"I know..." We stare at each other not knowing what to say. Goodbyes hurt more than anything, I really hate that feeling. 

"You know that you're like a sister to me and these goodbyes are one of the hardest thing I have to do." I break the silence, my eyes fill slowly with tears "I don't know how I will handle this... We've always been together..."

"Hey goodbyes aren't forever, it's not like I'll never come back babe. I don't want you to be sad okay? The Emma I know never cries." She says her voice weak.

"I'm so lucky to have you in my life Kay." I cry "I'm gonna miss you so sooo much."

"Me too me too." We stay in silence cuddling eachother before I pull back.

"I'm going to prepare myself now or I'll be late." I sniff.

"Alright." She says kissing my cheek.

I wipe my tears away from my face and take a deep breath.

I apply a bit of make up, only mascara and some pink lipstick. I put my hair in a messy bun and put on a white Boy Eagle shirt, a denim jacket, blue jeans and my grey ankle boots. I join Kaylee in the living room for the final goodbyes. 

"Aw I can finally see that little smile."

"Yeah I'm doing my best. I'm ready to leave."

"Okay I'm going to clean the flat a little, people will come soon."

"Text me when you find someone."

"Of course. Have fun at the wedding."

"I'll try." I hug her. 

"Call me whenever you need Em, I'll always be there for you. I love you."

"I love you too Kay. Goodbye." I say smiling even if those words are heartbreaking.

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