6. I'm falling in love

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He didn't lie when he told me it'll be the best night of my life, he sent me to heaven and it felt really good. Last night was really special, it was different, I mean Harry wasn't like any other I've slept with or it's just me and my illusions again.

I look around and realize that there's nobody around. I was hoping to wake up in his arms, his warm breath on my skin and his hai- Hey Emma! Stop, what's your problem? Yeah i'm not a romantic person, well I'm not anymore. I take the first thing I see which is Harry Rolling Stones t-shirt. It barely covers my legs, better than nothing. I make my way to the kitchen where I see Harry eating.

"Good morning." Harry says.

"Hey." I say with a quiet voice.

I don't even recognize my voice, when I'm around Harry I'm really weird, I'm acting like I'm shy, a thing that I'm definitely not. I grab a bowl and add some cereals. I take a seat in front of Harry and start eating.

"My shirt fits you really well." Harry smiles.

"Oh, yeah." I laugh.

"So did you have a good night?" Harry questions smirking.

"Umm yeah, it wasn't bad." I reply smirking too.

"Wasn't bad? Oh come on!"

"Okay okay it was great. Happy?" I say laughing.

"Yeah that's better." Harry winks.

We continue our breakfast chatting. I thought it would be awkward because we share a flat together and all, but it isn't and that's cool. As I finish my cereal, I hear my phone buzzing. I run to my room hoping it is Kaylee. I finally reach my phone and answer without looking at the I.D.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey! Emma it's Kyle how are you?"

Nope, not Kaylee. Kyle is my boss at the modeling agency where I work.

"Oh hey I'm fine thank you, what's up?" I ask.

"Well I got you a big photo shoot."

"Really? Oh that's great, what kind?"

"It's for lingerie, it'll be next week, you'll pose with different models and alone."

"That's great, thank you so much Kyle."

"No problem babe, and Amber will be with you."

Amber is my "modeling partner" but also a friend, she's great.

"Okay super."


I hang up.


The days flew by quite quickly, it's already Thursday and I have my photo shoot tomorrow. During the week, Harry and I have gotten very close, we learnt a lot about each other. We umm, well I'm not going to hide it, we did it again and again and I'm not complaining because everytime was magic. I really begin to get attached to Harry. Is it a good thing? I don't even know. I mean I think it's not because you know people leave and they forget you. You begin to have expectations and then come the disappointments. I know I sound pessimistic, but it's the sad truth. It's as if I knew him for years, this week was all I need to get attached, because hey I'm not going to lie, I'm attached, if he leaves now, I'll be sad. It's crazy how you can develop feelings for someone in a few days, it's crazy how a person can change totally your mood with a simple smile, it's crazy how you feel happy when you're next this person, it's crazy how he can make you blush so easily, it's crazy how you can fall in love so easily.

Wait, fall in love? Am I? I am in love with ... Harry? Do I love him? I don't want to fall in love with anyone. When I'm near him I feel like my heart is dropping into my stomach, it's like I'm flying, I get chills, my hands become moist and my breath increases. How the hell can I have such feelings? I know him for only a week, it's enough to get attached, but not to fall in love. No? Me Emma, the player, falling in love with Harry, a player.

That's it, I'm lost. I've been in love, once, it's painful. This love meant everything to me, I really thought everything would be perfect, that I'll be with my first love forever, but I was so wrong, I was naive. Love is mean, love hurts. So I gave up. People say "Never Give Up" but sometimes giving up is the best option because you realize you're wasting your time and time is precious. That's why I promised myself to never fall in love again, but this promise is already broken because, sadly, I'm falling, I'm falling in love with Harry. I can't deny it, I can't lie to myself.

Emotions are uncontrollable.

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